Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Friday, April 30, 2010

Maladies cardiovasculaires: attention au sucre ajouté

29 avril 2010 – Le sucre et les édulcorants naturels ajoutés aux aliments transformés feraient bondir le risque de souffrir demaladies cardiovasculaires en plus de contribuer à l’incidence de l’obésité et du diabète. C’est ce qu’indiquent les résultats d’une étude1 américaine menée auprès de 6 113 adultes suivis durant 7 ans.
Les chercheurs ont évalué, à l’aide de questionnaires, la consommation de sucre ajouté dans l’alimentation de chacun des sujets. Puis, ils ont soumis les participants à des tests visant à déterminer leurs taux de lipides sanguins : cholestérol (HDL et LDL) et triglycérides.
Les résultats indiquent que les sujets dont l’apport en sucre ajouté et en édulcorants représentait 10 % et plus de l’apport calorique global présentaient des taux de cholestérol HDL, le « bon cholestérol », nettement inférieurs à ceux dont l’apport en sucre ajouté ne dépassait pas 5 %.
En fait, la probabilité qu’ils présentent un faible taux de HDL - associé à une hausse du risque cardiovasculaire - augmentait de 50 % à 300 % par rapport aux sujets dont l’apport en sucre ajouté n’excédait pas 5 %. Par ailleurs, les taux sanguins de triglycérides augmentaient systématiquement en fonction de l’apport en sucre ajouté, ce qui est également associé à une augmentation du risque de souffrir de troubles cardiovasculaires.

Glucose, fructose, sirop de maïs...

Le sucre et les édulcorants naturels ajoutés peuvent prendre plusieurs formes : sirop de maïs, dextrose, fructose, glucose, jus de fruits concentrés, miel ou sucrose, pour n’en citer que quelques-unes2. Ces appellations apparaissent dans la liste des ingrédients sur l’emballage des produits.
Ces sucres entrent dans la composition d’une multitude d’aliments transformés, allant des boissons sucrées aux plats préparés, en passant par les conserves, les desserts, le pain, les céréales à déjeuner, etc.
De nombreuses études ont été menées pour déterminer l’impact de la consommation de divers types de corps gras sur les taux de lipides sanguins, mais la présente étude est la première à s’intéresser spécifiquement aux effets du sucre ajouté sur la lipidémie, soulignent les chercheurs.
Selon les auteurs de l’étude, la quantité de sucre ajouté aux aliments transformés a considérablement augmenté au cours des dernières décennies. Ce qui pourrait avoir contribué à l’augmentation de l’incidence des troubles cardiovasculaires aussi bien qu’à l’explosion des cas d’obésité et de diabète.

Pierre Lefrançois – PasseportSanté.net

1. Welsh JA, Sharma A et alCaloric sweetener consumption and dyslipidemia among US adultsJAMA. 2010 Apr 21;303(15):1490-7.
2. Pour en savoir plus, consultez notre Petit glossaire des sucres.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The #1 food you should eat (and probably don't)

My dad’s family is from Norway and for as long as I can remember we’ve been eating fish balls, fish puddings, pickled fish, fish in a tube and fish in a can. Most people thought it was a little weird. 
But these days, I’m feeling less like an outcast when I bust open a can of fish, especially sardines. I know a lot of you have strong feelings about sardines, but want to know why I love them?
Sardines (Pacific, wild-caught) are one of the healthiest foods we can consume, according to the health and environmental experts we interviewed for “Sea Change” in our latest issue of EatingWell magazine. These days so many of us are trying to get more omega-3 fats in their diet, because they benefit your heart and your brain. Click here for delicious recipes to help you eat more of these super-healthy omega-3 fats. These nutritional powerhouses are one of the best sources of omega-3 fats, with a whopping 1,950 mg/per 3 oz. (that’s more per serving than salmon, tuna or just about any other food) and they’re packed with vitamin D. And because sardines are small and low on the food chain, they don’t harbor lots of toxins like bigger fish can. Find out why leading scientist Carl Safina thinks eating smaller fish can benefit your health and our oceans. Plus, they’re also one of the most sustainable fish around. Quick to reproduce, Pacific sardines have rebounded from both overfishing and a natural collapse in the 1940's, so much so that they are one of Seafood Watch’s “Super Green” sustainable choices. (Click here to find out which 6 super-healthy fish and shellfish you should eat and which 6 to avoid.)
If you’re trying sardines for the first time, or you just really want to learn to like them, here are a few tips and a few recipes to stoke your sardine love:
  • For the uninitiated, a good place to start is with a boneless, skinless variety. They come packed in water or olive oil. They’re mild, and can be used in recipes in place of canned tuna fish.
  • If you’re lucky enough to have fresh sardines available in your supermarket, try them in place of the canned sardines. Lightly dredge them in salt-and-pepper-seasoned flour and sauté them in a little olive oil.
  • Sardines also come smoked, and come packed in sauces like tomato and mustard—give one of these a try. Smear them on a cracker or piece of toast for a snack or light lunch.
  • For veteran sardine eaters, the sky’s the limit! Sardines with bones and skin are delicious, too, and they look awesome on top of a salad or platter. P.S. The bones and skin are both edible. Those tiny bones deliver calcium too!
Try sardines in these delicious recipes:
Greek Salad With Sardines The fresh, tangy elements of a Greek salad—tomato, cucumber, feta, olives and lemony vinaigrette—pair well with rich-tasting sardines. Look for sardines with skin and bones (which are edible) as they have more than four times the amount of calcium as skinless, boneless sardines.
Spring Salad with Tarragon Vinaigrette A bold, layered salad that showcases sardines and asparagus, this beautiful dish adds variety to your weekday dining. If you prefer tuna to sardines or have fish from the night before, go ahead and use that instead.
Sardines on CrackersA protein-packed and portable snack.
Makes: 4 servings
Active time: 5 minutes | Total: 5 minutes
4 whole-grain Scandinavian-style cracker, such as
8-12 canned sardines, preferably packed in olive oil
4 lemon wedges
Top each cracker with 2 to 3 sardines each. Finish with a squeeze of lemon.
Per cracker: 64 calories; 2 g fat (0 g sat, 1 g mono); 20 mg cholesterol; 8 g carbohydrates; 4 g protein; 1 g fiber; 94 mg sodium; 102 mg potassium.
Tomato Toast with Sardines & Mint (pictured above)
Canned sardines make an elegant, yet inexpensive appetizer when served with fresh mint, tomato and onion on toast.
Makes: 12 toasts
Active time: 15 minutes | Total: 30 minutes | To make ahead: Cover and refrigerate the sardine mixture (Step 2) for up to 2 days.
1 4-ounce can boneless, skinless sardines packed in olive oil, preferably smoked
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh mint
2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 slices multigrain bread or 12 slices baguette, preferably whole-grain
1/2 medium ripe tomato
1 tablespoon very thinly sliced yellow onion
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Flake sardines with a fork into a mixing bowl. (The pieces should not be mashed, but should be no bigger than a dime.) Add mint, oil and salt; toss gently to combine.
3. If using whole slices of bread, cut off the crusts and cut each into four triangles. Place the triangles or baguette slices on a baking sheet and bake until crispy and golden brown, 12 to 14 minutes. As soon as you remove them from the oven, rub each slice with the cut side of the tomato. As you progress, the tomato will break down until only the skin remains; discard any remaining tomato.
4. Top each toast with about 1 1/2 teaspoons of the sardine mixture. Top the sardine mixture with a couple of onion slices and serve immediately.
Per toast: 41 calories; 2 g fat (0 g sat, 1 g mono); 5 mg cholesterol; 3 g carbohydrate; 0 g added sugars; 3 g protein; 1 g fiber; 113 mg sodium; 63 mg potassium.
By Hilary Meyer
EatingWell assistant editor Hilary Meyer spends much of her time in the EatingWell Test Kitchen, testing and developing healthy recipes. She is a graduate of New England Culinary Institute.


Monday, April 26, 2010

Cardio Versus Weight Training – Which one is better for fat loss?

Aerobic training increases the body’s functional capacity to transport and use oxygen and to burn fatty acids during exercise. Aerobic exercise stimulates a series of metabolic responses in the body including: Increased mitochondria density in slow twitch muscle fiber, which results in higher energy production from fatty acids; increase in trained muscle capacity to utilize and mobilize fat, resulting from higher amounts of fat metabolizing enzymes, and increased blood flow; greater development of slow twitch muscle fibers, increased myoglobin content, which acts to store and transport oxygen in the muscles.Engaging in aerobic training can burn up to thousand calories an hour depending on the specific type and intensity of an aerobic activity. Unfortunately this information led many individuals to mistakenly believe that aerobic exercise is the only exercise you need to effectively control your weight. Aerobic training burns calories but does very little if anything to help you maintain your lean body mass during your weight reduction efforts. If you combine only cardio-based workouts together with calorically restricted diet you risk the chance of burning muscle, thus slowing down your capability to burn calories and fat over the long run. Engaging in resistance exercises such as weight lifting, will help you to increase your lean muscle mass, which in turns increases the amount of tissue in your body that naturally burns calories in a resting state. Simply put, bigger muscles burn more calories than little muscles. The best approach for proper fat loss is a balance of sensible nutrition, regular aerobic exercise, and effective weight training that challenges your body in order to affect your basal metabolic rate.


Interval Cardio – The best cardio

A lot of people ask me how they can burn the most amount of calories and fat during their cardio workouts without spending hours and without loosing their muscles.
Simply by changing the intensity level of your cardio workouts it is possible to super charge your results – burning large amounts of calories without breaking down lean muscles. Interval training can be any exercise in which you are working out in short bursts of activity at high speed / intensity at close to your max effort, followed by periods of lower intensity.
Interval training has been scientifically proven to be highly effective for fat loss – at a much higher rate than the more common, long cardio training at moderate or lower intensity. High intensity interval cardio also boosts your metabolism AFTER the workout, ensuring that your body continues to burn calories at an accelerated rate long after your workout is over.
If you want to get the benefits of interval training then get ready to sweat because for these fat burning benefits to kick in you have to workout at high intensity and to exhaustion – to reach the point of overload so that the training will be effective. Without overload there is no adaptation.
Based on a research of Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan, a method consisting of 20 seconds of all out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes is JUST AS EFFECTIVE as 45 minutes of endurance exercise. This exercise method puts both the aerobic and anaerobic systems at peak stress, and can be used with body weight exercises as I have shown in my 20 minute workout.
Interval training will save your time, muscles, and deliver scientifically proven superior results. Let everyone else sweat it out for hours :)


How can I develop muscle definition and muscle tone? by Zuzana

Muscle tone refers to residual tension in a relaxed muscle and increases with cardio and resistance training.  Generally the stronger you get the harder your muscles will be. There are two methods that can be used to produce high tension in your muscles.
1) Lifting heavy weights (using maximal or near maximal loads) at low speed
2) Lifting moderate loads at high speeds – explosive movements
If you have high percentage of body fat that is covering your body,  you won’t be able to see muscle tone until you lose fat.
I am a big fan of circuit training with combination of high resistance training and cardio, that will save you time and  give you all the benefits of both styles to optimize muscle tone and fat loss.


Water for Fat Loss

If you don’t drink enough water you can actually get fatter. I have put this sentence right upfront because I know what works on you. So now that I have your attention, I will take it from the beginning.  Water makes up 55 to 75% of your total bodyweight. Your blood is made up of ninety percent water. Reduction in 10 % of water can make you sick and 20% can cause a death.

If you do not provide enough water to your Kidney’s, your liver becomes forced to detoxify toxins. When your liver takes on this role, then your liver becomes less effective in completing it’s other jobs including metabolizing the food that you eat.
It is important that you drink enough water so that your liver can do it’s job to metabolize body fat as efficiently as possible.
If you don’t drink enough water then extra glucose remains in the blood until it reaches the liver at which point this glucose becomes stored as fat instead of glycogen. All of this nastiness can be avoided by drinking a healthy amount of water.
It is recommended that you drink plenty of water on a daily basis  – make sure to drink water 20 minutes before exercising to ensure that your body is properly hydrated. It is also recommended to drink water after high carbohydrate  meals. You don’t have to wait until your body signals you that you are thirsty. By the time you realize you are thirsty you are already dehydrated.
One of the best ways to check if you are dehydrated is to check your urine. Relax – just a quick glance below can tell you what you need to know. If your urine is dark with a strong smell then chances are you are dehydrated. The lighter and clearer it appears the better. If you really feel like you have to go to the toilet, but only pass a small amount of urine, this could also signal that your body needs water.
Our muscles are made up of up 70 to 80% water. You can very quickly see why drinking enough water is vital for performance.


Diet Advice – Healthy Quinoa Salad by Zuzana

For my lunch and dinner I prefer light meals that are easy and fast to prepare. This cold salad is one of my favorite recipes. It is a very light meal with an exotic taste, loaded with protein and vitamins. These are the ingredients that you will need to make the salad: quinoa, grilled chicken breasts, celery, crunchy apples, grapes, onion, curry, turmeric, brown sugar, olive oil, salt and lime juice. 
I started to cook with quinoa grain because it’s light, easy to digest, full of high quality protein and you can use to for deserts, soups, salads or any other recipe you can think of. Quinoa has many health benefits. It is a good source of magnesium, and since low dietary levels of magnesium are connected to increased rates of hypertension, heart disease and heart arrhythmia’s, quinoa can provide a boost to your cardiovascular health. Quinoa is also loaded with the amino acid lysine which is a key component for tissue growth and repair. 
Turmeric also known as Haldi, is a spice that is widely used in India. It has a long list of health benefits that includes being a natural liver detoxifier, and potentially being able to help with fat metabolism and weight management. I hope you will enjoy this recipe. 


Eat-Clean Diet Basics

So—Who Is Tosca Reno, and Just What Is the Eat-Clean Diet, Anyway?
A former ‘overweight housewife, Tosca Reno woke up one day and decided to transform her life. After realizing that she and her family were eating terribly, and her various up-and-down diet plans were doing her no good at all, she decided to change everything and began, as she calls it, eating clean
What makes her success story different is this: she hasn’t always been in such incredible shape. Unlike many of the fitness gurus of today, she knows what it’s like to be 200+ pounds overweight and eating heavy, processed foods continuously, because that was her, and not so long ago. 
She’s also different because she doesn’t shy away from circuit/weight training: she knows that it’s essential when it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy body.
The Revolution of Eating-Clean and Real Food Movements
Her theory about clean eating is that it’s more of a lifestyle change: rather than simply a series of recipes that you must follow,to the letter, in order to see physical results, it’s a new way to approach eating in general, both when it comes to the practical side (when to eat and how to prepare it), and to the larger, more philosophical side: the Eat-Clean Diet is an attempt to change the way you think about food in general, a realistic and achievable way of changing your actual relationship with food—for the rest of your life.
While diet books—more than just about any other kind of book—are famous for making promises like these, the time is definitely right: in the last few years we’ve seen Michael Pollan’s seminal texts The Omnivore’s Dilemma and In Defense of Food, and Mark Bittman’s excellent Food Matters. All of these books are greatly concerned with getting the North American or ‘Western’ diet back to real, actual food.
The Eat-Clean Diet, while not adhering exactly to those philosophies, is one of the first contemporary diet books to embrace many of the same ideas. In fact, Reno does suggest a rejection of processed and refined foods, and a return to real food as the centerpiece of what we eat. 
She also rejects the policy of dietary exclusion, where temporarily avoiding an entire food group is made essential to the proper workings of a diet. The great Atkins craze of 2003 is just one of many examples of such, and you won’t find any of that stuff here.
As she said in a recent interview: “Avoiding a whole food group is not sustainable. The metabolism slows and weight is gained back. Eat-Clean embraces all food groups and is manageable.” Any good, useable diet needs to break free of the traditional, North American idea of a ‘diet’ in the first place, and Eat-Clean does so unequivocally, by rejecting exclusionary methods for something much more inclusionary—and ultimately, more realistic. 
Why You Should Eat 5-6 Small Meals a Day, Not Only 3.
Instead of three large meals a day, Eat-Clean embraces the concept of five to six small(er) meals per day. Not only does this help control portion sizes, but the variety ends up being a very positive thing: with so many small meal opportunities, anyone following the diet can get in a wide range of healthy, good foods in a huge spread of configurations.
But the apparent complexity of preparing 5-6 meals a day hasn’t been lost on Reno, either: not all of these meals (none of them, really) require heavy preparation. As long as you stick to her basic formula of combining lean protein and complex carbs (and there are hundreds of ways to combine these things, none of which skimp on taste or take hours, either), you’re set.
And Here’s What Not to Eat (It’s Not as Bad as You Think).
The good thing about Eat-Clean is that Reno hasn’t really restricted too many foods from the diet, in keeping with her no-exclusions philosophy. And what she has suggested we not eat is the same kind of advice you’ll find in Pollan’s In Defense of Food, or the amazing new documentary Food, Inc., or the kind of advice you can pick up at just about any farmer’s market around the world.
Rather than suggesting you drink ‘diet’ drinks in place of regular ones, or seek out low-calorie options at the supermarket, she sticks with these rules:
Avoid over-processed, refined foods (so most so-called ‘health’ foods are out of the question here)
Avoid trans and saturated fats
Avoid calorie-dense foods with no nutritional value
Eat enough healthy fat every day
There’s much more in her book, but these are the most important ones, because an acceptance of even these four rules could radically change the way a huge percentage of people approach food, and already has for thousands of her readers.
She hits on a fundamental difference between hers and dozens of other diet books: by concentrating only on calories, or on the various combinations of carbs/fat/protein, or isolating specific ingredients and exaggerating their importance, eating-by-diet becomes a complicated, numerical pursuit, and the excess of rules eventually leads to people ignoring most of them.
Reno claims that while developing Eat-Clean, she “no longer had an unhealthy relationship with food. I gained control over the food. It allowed me to put guidelines and structure around food intake. Life became simpler. I no longer had food worries. Mentally, that’s liberating.”
One of the biggest problems with diet books that offer dozens of complicated rules about nutrition science is that they are often too disconnected from actual food, and more concerned with statistics and ratios. Take a random, so-called ‘health’ food full of preservatives and processed, chemical ingredients. Most diet books view this food-like substance entirely through the lens of its official nutritional information, which leads to a kind of dietary myopia. You won’t find that in Eat-Clean.
Thus when Reno talks about rules, she could just as well be discussing ‘principles’ or ‘philosophies’, as they are intended to be flexible and useful enough that readers will want to adopt them, permanently, into their lives.
We’ll be talking much more about Eating-Clean and Tosca Reno here on over the upcoming weeks, so keep checking back!
