Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rooibos: African red bush tea is even better than green tea

Rooibos: African red bush tea is even better than green tea

by Nanditha Ram 

(NaturalNews) Green tea has competition, and not just of the light kind. The word "rooibos" (roo-ee-bosh) means red bush and is a native South African herb, so rich in antioxidants, it supposedly puts green tea on the run. There is enough research and evidence to show the range of health benefits attributable to rooibos tea including reducing the risk of heart disease and inhibiting aging.

According to experts, rooibos can lay claim to antimutagenic, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties. The anti-oxidant quercetin - also dubbed (and with good reason too) the king of anti-oxidants is what makes red bush tea an armor against various diseases and conditions. In addition to quercetin, rooibos also contains two lesser known, relatively rare antioxidants aspalathin and nothofagin and according to experts, both have nerve relaxing properties, with the potential to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Conditions affecting the digestive system such as heartburn, ulcers, and constipation can be relieved by red bush tea. It's supposed soothing effect on the nervous system makes it an ideal drink for those suffering from nervous irritability, insomnia, headaches, disturbed sleep patterns, high blood pressure and maybe even mild to moderate depression. It appears that the list of potential uses for rooibos goes even longer with it being quite ideal for skin conditions such as eczema, rash and other skin irritations.

Free radical oxygen and rooibos as an anti-oxidant

Normal cell metabolism releases free radical oxygen as a by product. These free radicals are reactive and can negatively affect body proteins and fats or even go so far into the system as the DNA itself. Free radicals cause a chain reaction of damage to the human body and this chain reaction can often be stopped or at least interrupted by anti-oxidant intake. Vitamin C, Vitamin E and carotenoids are well known anti-oxidants found variously in fruit, vegetable oils and vegetables. Flavonoids are another type of anti-oxidants and rooibos is a rich source of it.

Rooibos is also efficient, say experts, in managing asthma, hay fever, wheezing and allergic cough. It is a rich source of zinc, alpha-hydroxy acid, manganese, and naturally occurring fluoride plus magnesium for a healthy nervous system. Rooibos tea is meant to be safe for pregnant and nursing mothers, and even infants - it is a caffeine free drink and can be given to colic-suffering babies due to its anti-spasmodic effect. Wait, there is more. The absence of oxalic acid in red bush tea makes it a safe drink for people suffering kidney stones.

Rooibos looks like a herb too good to be true, yet it seems to be gaining in popularity the world over for its distinctive health-guarding properties. Perhaps, after all, a box of rooibos in the kitchen cupboard might keep us out of harms way, or better still, save us some trips to hospitals and pharmacies. At least it's worth a try.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Moringa oleifera: The miracle tree of the Himalayas

by Michael Ravensthorpe 

(NaturalNews) Moringa oleifera is a tree that is native to the Himalayan mountains of northern India. Though it is not well-known in the United States, the tree is treasured in many parts of the world (especially Africa and South America) due to the healing properties of its leaves. In fact, moringa's small, light green leaves are so nutrient-dense that the tree has been nicknamed 'The Tree of Immortality' and 'The Miracle Tree' by the inhabitants of the countries in which it is cultivated. Let's find out whether these nicknames are deserved.

Moringa's health benefits

Rich in antioxidants - Analysis has shown that dried and powdered moringa leaves (which is how moringa is usually sold and consumed) contain 46 antioxidant types, including carotenoids, zinc, selenium, chromium, and all the vitamins (even vitamin B and vitamin K). Moringa leaves also contain 36 anti-inflammatory compounds, including calcium, copper, chlorophyll, omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, and sulfur. All of these antioxidants and compounds occur naturally in the plant, and work together to maximize absorption. For example, the magnesium found in moringa helps us to absorb its calcium.

Nutrient concentrations - Like most superfoods, moringa contains a lot of nutrients. What really sets it apart from others, though, are the concentrations of those nutrients. For example, ounce-per-ounce, dried moringa leaves contain three times more potassium than bananas, 2,500 times more amino acids than green tea, three times more iron than spinach or roast beef, three times more calcium than milk, and 10 times the recommended daily amount of vitamin E.

A complete protein - Moringa leaves are between 30 and 40 percent protein, and contain 18 amino acids. Of these, nine (valine, lysine, leucine, histidine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine, phenylalanine, and tryptophan) are essential amino acids. This makes moringa a 'complete' protein source - something seldom found in the plant world. We need protein, of course, to build bones, skin, blood, and cartilage, and to produce hormones and enzymes. Without it, our bodies would biochemically dismantle.

Makes a great oil - Though the moringa tree is best-known for its nutritious leaves, its seeds also have a use: Tthe matured pods can be processed into 'ben oil,' a clear, sweet oil that rivals olive oil in antioxidant activity. Ben oil is extremely durable and doesn't spoil, and has been used for centuries as a perfume base, cooking lubricant, and salad dressing.

Given moringa's healthiness, it is unsurprising that regular consumption of its leaves - in cooked or dried states - has been linked to reduced blood pressure, weight loss, improved mood and digestion, healthier skin (some Western cosmetic companies are now adding moringa extracts to their skincare products), and much more. In fact, Ayurvedic medicine claims that over 300 diseases can be treated by consuming moringa leaves. So why not try it out?

Sources for this article include:

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Walnut eaters reduce risk of dying from heart disease or cancer by nearly fifty percent

by John Phillip 

(NaturalNews) Heart disease and cancer in all their different forms take the lives of nearly three-quarters of all men, women and children in the US each year. Yet thousands of well constructed research bodies have shown that most chronic diseases can be prevented by making simple lifestyle changes including diet, smoking, physical activity and exposure to toxic household and environmental pollutants through our early and middle adult years. Specific foods and nutrients such as resveratrol, curcumin, green tea and leafy greens have demonstrated specific properties that help to prevent and fight cardiovascular disease and cancer, and should be included as part of your regular daily diet and supplement plan.

A research study team based in Spain has published the result of their research in the journal, BMC Medicine that explains that those who eat nuts more than three times a week had a reduced risk of dying from cancer or cardiovascular disease than non-nut eaters. To conduct their research, scientists looked at the effect on the prevention of cardiovascular disease when the participants were put on a Mediterranean diet with extra nuts and extra virgin olive oil, compared with a control group following a low-fat diet.

Raw nuts, especially walnuts help lower blood pressure and blood lipids to thwart chronic disease

The scientists analyzed more than 7,000 people aged between 55 and 90 years, and divided them into two groups based on adherence to a Mediterranean style diet that included nuts, and especiallywalnuts, or those following a low-fat diet. The team found that people who eat more than three servings of nuts (1 serving equal approximately one ounce) a week had a 55 percent lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease and a 40 percent reduced risk of death from cancer.

Lead study author, Dr. Jordi Salas-Salvad commented "How nuts are able to prevent premature mortality is not entirely clear, nor why walnut should be better for you than other nuts. Walnuts have particularly high content of alpha-linoleic acid and phytochemicals..., along with fiber and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, may contribute to their healthy effect." Past studies have demonstrated that walnuts in particular are a beneficial part of a healthy diet and are the best source of antioxidants, containing twice the amount as normal nuts.

Researchers also note that people who ate nuts had a lower body mass index and smaller waist. Further, this group was found to be more physically active and less likely to smoke. The study authors conclude "Questions about specific constituents, amount, duration and type of nuts to be consumed remain to be elucidated. Meanwhile, we might need to focus on the question of how to better promote nut consumption in the population and sustainably integrate it into the daily diet." Nutrition experts recommend replacing one daily serving of fruits and vegetables with a one ounce serving of raw nuts to significantly lower the risk of dying from heart disease and cancer.

Sources for this article include:

Monday, July 15, 2013

10 minutes pour convaincre des dangers des produits laitiers

Nous sommes de plus en plus nombreux à ne plus consommer de produits laitiers mais dans notre entourage, nous avons tous des personnes qui restent persuadées que le lait est indispensable pour les os.

Il n'est pas facile de convaincre, en dix minutes, une personne qui boit du lait de vache depuis 35 ans d'arrêter du jour au lendemain. 

Mais nous allons tout de même essayer : 

..1 Les recommandations officielles sont biaisées

Les recommandations officielles du gouvernement de consommer au moins 3 produits laitiers par jour sont établies par un comité d’expert desanté

Ce comité est composé d’une trentaine de personnes, dont au moins 19 sont directement affiliées à l’industrie laitière (Danone, Nestlé, etc.). Il n’y a aucune transparence, les recommandations officielles sur les laitages n’ont donc aucun crédit.

..2 L'homme est la seule espèce à consommer du lait d'une autre espèce à l'âge adulte

L’espèce humaine a survécu et évolué pendant 7 millions d’années sans aucun produit laitier, se nourrissant de lait maternel uniquement dans sa petite enfance. Sur les squelettes des hommes préhistoriques, on ne trouve trace d'aucune des maladies osseuses connues aujourd’hui.

Les produits laitiers sont apparus il n’y a que 10.000 ans dans notre histoire ce qui est, à l'échelle de l'évolution, très récent.

Le résultat de ces millions d’années d’évolution sans lait ? 75% de la population mondiale est intolérante aux produits laitiers à l’âge adulte. L’homme est la seule espèce sur Terre qui consomme le lait d’une autre espèce à l’âge adulte.

..3 Les pays qui consomment le plus de lait ont le plus de fractures

En 2002, l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé reconnait elle-même un « paradoxe du calcium ». Les pays qui consomment le plus de produits laitiers au monde (les pays scandinaves) ont les os les plus lourds, sont les plus grands, et ont le plus de fractures du col du fémur.

A l’inverse, les populations d’Afrique et certaines d’Asie qui consomment le moins de produits laitiers affichent une santé osseuse parfaite, avec des taux de fracture les plus bas qui soient. Ce n’est pas une coïncidence.

NB : à ce stade, votre interlocuteur pourrait vous rétorquer que ces résultats s'expliquent par le manque de vitamine D dans les pays scandinaves, lié au manque d'ensoleillement. 

Il est vrai que la vitamine D est essentielle dans la fixation du calcium par nos os. Les scandinaves ont certes moins de vitamine D que les autres populations de la planète des contrées plus ensoleillées. 

..4 Aucune étude n'a démontré que le lait protège des fractures

Il n’existe aujourd’hui aucune preuve que la consommation de produits laitiers protège vos os au cours de votre vie des risques de fractures. 

25 millions de nourrissons américains élevés strictement sans lait de vache (mais avec des substituts au soja) ont affiché une croissance NORMALE et aucun problème de malnutrition. 

Cerise sur le gâteau, la consommation de produits laitiers et la fréquence des fractures du col du fémur ont été relevées chez plus de 150.000 femmes ménopausées. Celles qui ont consommé le plus de produits laitiers dans leur vie (surtout pendant l’enfance et l’adolescence) n’ont pas moins de fracture que les femmes qui en ont consommé le moins. 

..5 Les produits laitiers modernes sont pires que tout

Les produits laitiers d’aujourd’hui sont très loin de ressembler (sauf la couleur !) à ceux que buvaient vos parents ou grand parents.

Aujourd’hui, le lait de vache contient une soupe d’hormones sexuelles (œstrogène et progestérone) qui favorise les cancers de l’utérus et celui du sein.

Le lait de vache, c’est une machine à stimuler la production d’IGF-1 pour faire grandir le veau, qui va peser plus de 300 kilos un an après sa naissance. L’IGF-1 est un facteur de croissance qui va booster la prolifération (ou la multiplication) de vos cellules. Vous allez grandir, sauf que… L’IGF-1 développe toutes les cellules de l’organisme, même les pré-cancéreuses et les cancéreuses. C’est ainsi que certaines études ont relié la consommation de laitage à la survenue du cancer de la prostate chez l’homme ou des ovaires chez la femme. 

Finalement, tous les pesticides et engrais chimiques utilisés dans les fourrages des vaches se retrouvent dans le lait que vous buvez. 

..6 Le lait peut causer le diabète de type 1

Le lait de vache contient de l’insuline bovine très similaire à celle de l’homme. Mais suffisamment pour que notre système immunitaire ne la reconnaisse pas et l’attaque avec des anti-corps. Ces mêmes anti-corps ne feront ensuite pas la différence entre l’insuline bovine et la nôtre. 

Le résultat ? Une maladie auto-immune, nos anticorps détruisent les cellules bêta du pancréas, l’insuline n’existe plus. Vous êtes diabétique de type 1, la forme la plus grave du diabète.

..7 Le lait contribue à acidifier l'organisme, ce qui fragilise les os

Il est maintenant prouvé que notre surconsommation de protéines animales et de sel acidifient notre organisme qui compense en récupérant des « tampons » un peu partout dans notre corps. 

Lequel est le plus utilisé ? Des citrates de calcium, celui de notre squelette ! Oui, trop de sel, trop de viande, dégrade votre squelette. Comble de l’ironie, les produits laitiers font dramatiquement chuter les concentrations de vitamine D, cette même molécule qui nous aide à fixer le calcium ! 

..8 Et pour conclure...

Le lait de vache n’est pas un poison mortel qui vous enverra sans détour au cimetière. Vous resterez probablement en bonne santé même si vous consommez beaucoup de laitages. Cependant, à l’échelle de la planète, cette surconsommation est dangereuse pour la santé

Il faut simplement réduire sa consommation et (mon avis personnel) arrêter totalement le lait de vache industrialisé. 

Et voilà : dix minutes. A votre santé ! 

Jean-Marc Dupuis et Jérémy Anso 

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tooth whitening 101: Flash a gorgeous smile with these natural methods

by Carolanne Wright 

(NaturalNews) A sparkling white smile is more than simply cosmetic - it also reflects the state of inner health. Teeth tend to yellow with age and exposure to staining food and drink, yet discoloration also suggests impaired tooth structure. All in all, light enamel color indicates well mineralized and strong teeth. But before rushing out to purchase a tooth whitening kit in an attempt to spruce up your smile, try a few safe and natural alternatives. Chances are, you will be pleasantly surprised at the results - and your dentist just might be too.

Root of the problem

Strengthening teeth from the inside not only brightens the smile, it also helps to defend against decay, gum disease and tooth loss. The secret is to consume a high mineral diet that is low in phytic acid. Unfortunately, the standard American diet is high in tooth and bone destroying phytate-containing edibles - namely grains, seeds, nuts and legumes. Even when soaked, sprouted and prepared correctly, these foods still contain enough phytic acid to damage teeth. Add to this high sugar, fruit and commercial vegetable oil consumption and dental health is bound to suffer.

Instead, focus on a nutrient rich diet of bone broth, non-starchy vegetables, pastured eggs and high quality fats like fermented cod liver and extra virgin coconut oil along with vitamin butter, a type of fat sourced from pastured cows.

Grassfed meats and fish such as sardines and wild salmon are good choices too. Since a deficiency of vitamin D and faulty calcium absorption influence tooth health, consuming adequate amounts of both is crucial. Also, sufficient magnesium and boron in the diet are important as well. Green vegetables are an excellent source of magnesium while avocados, broccoli, celery and olives provide boron. With a high quality diet low in phytic acid, tooth structure will eventually grow strong and white, in turn curbing plaque and decay.

Topical solutions

Fortifying the teeth internally works well in tandem with surface remineralization. A homemade toothpaste utilizing calcium and magnesium powder along with baking soda and coconut oil is one option. Alternatively, swishing daily with both minerals dissolved in water is another. A paste of bentonite clay is also effective due to high calcium, magnesium and silica content. Additional tooth whitening protocols include:

Oil pulling - Each day, move one tablespoon of oil (sesame, coconut, olive or sunflower) through the teeth and around the mouth for 20 minutes. Do not swallow - discard the oil when finished and rinse with water.

Strawberries - High in malic acid, strawberries help to remove surface stains. Crush several ripe berries and mix with baking soda. Apply with a toothbrush and let sit for five minutes. Brush thoroughly with water to remove paste and rinse well. Use once or twice per week.

Activated charcoal - Behaving like an absorbent magnet toward staining compounds, activated charcoal is one of the best methods to safely whiten teeth quickly. Empty half a capsule of powder into a cup. Dip a wet toothbrush into the charcoal and gently brush. Let stand for several minutes minutes then rinse.

A sonic toothbrush, the daily use of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide mouthwash and weekly brushing with lemon juice/baking soda all help to fight stains, tooth decay and plaque as well. And don't forget to rinse with water immediately after drinking troublesome beverages like coffee, tea and red wine.

Sources for this article include:,,20410846,00.html

Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to Eat Healthy and Lose Weight: The Simplest Guide Ever

Portion Control
Every day we are bombarded with fad diets and conflicting information on how to eat healthy and lose weight. No wonder people fail to reach their weight-loss or health goals. (Read The 6 Most Promising Weight-Loss Supplements.)
Popular nutrition information and diet strategies are simply too complicated or unrealistic to maintain over the long term. And many nutrition books contain hundreds of pages of difficult-to-understand "sciencey" stuff that only dieticians bother to read or need to understand.
So, I've come up with a simple nutrition formula that we use at Performance University. It helps everyone, from average Joes to professional athletes, more effectively burn fat by ensuring that each meal is healthy and well balanced. This isn't a restrictive diet plan. It's a healthy and realistic eating strategy for putting together balanced and nutritious meals—a strategy you can use for a lifetime.

The Thermic Effect of Food

The term "thermic effect of food," or TEF, describes the energy we expend to consume (bite, chew and swallow) and process (digest, transport, metabolize and store) our food. Certain foods require us to burn more calories than others simply by eating them.
Here's the breakdown:
  • Fat (9 calories/gram) is simple to digest because the body keeps breaking down fat into smaller and smaller molecules. For every 100 calories of fat ingested, you burn approximately 5 calories.
  • Complex carbohydrates (4 calories/gram) take more effort to digest because of the complexity of glucose molecules. For every 100 calories you ingest from complex carbs, you burn approximately 10 calories.
  • Protein (4 calories/gram) requires the most work to digest because it is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of your muscles. For every 100 calories of protein you ingest, you burn approximately 25 calories.
Based on this information, you can form an eating plan that minimizes the amount of calories consumed and naturally increases the amount of calories you burn. No calorie counting required!

Foods to Eat

Do your best to include each of following food categories in your three or four daily meals. It's unrealistic to expect that every meal will include all four categories, so don't stress if you occasionally miss a category.
Choose your favorite food from each category to form your meal. Ensure that it's a whole food and not processed. The food recommendations below are great examples, but they are not comprehensive. If you enjoy a specific food, do the research to see if it falls into one of the categories. (Learn how tobalance your protein intake.)
  • Lean Protein: eggs, chicken, fish, bison, beef, low-fat dairy
  • Fibrous Carbohydrate: fruits and vegetables
  • Starchy Carbohydrate: sweet potatoes, brown rice, oatmeal
  • Healthy Fat (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, Omega-3 fatty acids): avocado, nuts, olive oil

Foods to Avoid

It's no secret that you should limit your consumption of processed foods, simple sugars, saturated fats and hydrogenated oils. However, limiting consumption doesn't mean you can never eat it. (See The Unhealthiest "Healthy" Foods.)
I recommend using the 80/20 rule, meaning 80 percent of your meals consist of healthy and whole foods, while the other 20 percent consists of not-so-healthy items. This will keep you on track with your diet by preventing binging and cravings without adverse effects on your health and weight.

Portion Sizes

The amount of food you eat largely depends on how much energy you need. You can get technical and calculate your daily energy demands and count calories to ensure you are meeting your goals, but this is time consuming and difficult to stick to in the long term.
As a general guideline, if you are left feeling hungry within an hour or so after finishing a meal, you probably didn't eat enough. On the flip side, if you feel full for hours, you likely ate too much. It really comes down to common sense, intuition and simply listening to your body.
As for specific portions of each food category suggested above, I recommend using this formula to fill your plate.
  • Protein & Fibrous Carbs - largest serving on your plate.
  • Starchy Carbs - smaller than the protein and vegetable serving.
  • Healthy Fats - smallest serving on your plate.

Final Thoughts

There are certainly other issues—like thyroid function—that can impact weight loss. And there are instances where counting calories and restricting a diet are necessary. However, these require an individualized approach and are not long-term solutions. The information I provided above is not a diet. It's a lifestyle change to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Top 5 Nutrients to Fight Stubborn Belly Fat

Fat to thin transition
Every year when swimsuit season approaches, millions of people scramble to lose their belly fat.
The midsection is one of the most challenging areas to lose weight in and one of the unhealthiest places to gain it. (See Why Crunches Alone Won't Burn Belly Fat.)
Research over the past few years suggests that the belly fat surrounding the abdominal organs (visceral fat) is potentially the most harmful type of fat. It appears to decrease the sensitivity of insulin receptors on cells while increasing the likelihood of insulin resistance. Over time, this can lead to Type 2 diabetes.
Fat around the abdomen can also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes for fighting belly fat, but adding the following nutrients to your diet can help you tighten things up. (If you're already at a healthy weight, adding them can give you more energy and help you feel better overall.)
You can get these nutrients from supplements, but your body will absorb them better from healthy foods. (See Are There Foods to Help You Lose Belly Fat?)

Vitamin C

People with high levels of vitamin C burn more fat during exercise than people with low levels, according to a study out of Arizona State University. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which helps with the formation of collagen (a protein that helps build muscle tissue), immune function, and proper metabolism of fat.


Found in yogurt, fermented vegetables, and kombucha tea, these friendly bacteria increase immunity. They also help the body digest fats and carbohydrates, as well as absorb and make good use of nutrients.
In addition, probiotics help maintain a healthy balance of ghrelin and leptin—the hunger and hunger-suppressing hormones, respectively—so you're hungry only when your body needs nourishment.


This is the spicy compound that gives jalapenos their kick. It not only promotes saliva flow, it may also help boost your metabolism. (See also The 6 Most Promising Weight-Loss Supplements.)
Capsaicin has been shown to cause thermogenesis (heat production) in the body, promoting fat loss. It may also reduce appetite and shift the body from burning carbohydrates to burning fat.

Vitamin D

Sunlight is the natural source of this powerful fat-soluble vitamin, which is needed in appropriate amounts to maintain physical, mental, and emotional health.
Vitamin D may also help you lose fat by regulating blood sugar and decreasing the risk of developing insulin resistance—a condition where the body stores glucose in the blood as fat, rather using it to provide energy to cells.
Along with regulating your hunger hormones and boosting your mood, Vitamin D can help cut down on emotional eating. People tend to eat more when their mood is low. (Athletes: See Why You Need Vitamin D in Your Diet.)


The benefits of fiber go far beyond improving regularity. In addition to relieving constipation and reducing bloating, fiber may also be a powerful fat-buster. (But Can You Eat Too Much Fiber?)
When fiber is added to meals containing carbohydrates, it reduces the glycemic load on the body. It then slows the spike in blood sugar and insulin so it takes less time to break down carbohydrates into simple sugars. This keeps energy levels up and helps prevent overeating.
Remember, though—to lose fat, you can't just take vitamins. You must practice a healthy lifestyle that includes exercise, plenty of sleep, and a sensible eating plan.
Before you add these nutrients to your diet, check with your doctor.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Viande rouge : plus de maladies intestinales

Les maladies intestinales (cancers digestifs, maladies inflammatoires intestinales, diverticulose colique...) ont beaucoup augmenté au 20e siècle. La cause principale est très probablement l'augmentation de la consommation de viande rouge de mauvaise qualité : charcuterie, viande d'élevages industriels.

Luxe jusqu'en 1945, où l'on n'en mangeait pas plus de deux fois par semaine, la viande est aujourd'hui omniprésente dans nos assiettes. Au restaurant, on ne se pose pratiquement pas la question : à part quand on mange du poisson, il y a toujours de la viande. Les personnes qui choisissent un plat de légumes sont regardées bizarrement.

Pourtant, les statistiques sont évidentes : dans tous les pays du monde où la consommation de viande rouge augmente, les maladies digestives augmentent. (1)

Cancer du côlon

Partout où la consommation de bœuf augmente, le cancer du côlon se développe.

L'explication possible est que la viande de bœuf contient des virus qui résistent à la cuisson. Or, lorsque vous faites cuire votre viande de bœuf, des nitrosamines cancérogènes apparaissent. Les virus bovins attaqueraient la paroi de vos intestins, créant ainsi des infections prêtes à se cancériser sous l'effet des nitrosamines.

Il faut noter en effet que la cuisson du poulet et du poisson fait aussi apparaître des nitrosamines cancérogènes, mais que leur consommation n'augmente pas le risque de cancer du côlon. Cela s'expliquerait par l'absence de virus attaquant la paroi des intestins, dans ces viandes.

Une autre cause de cancer pourrait être le fer héminique contenu dans la viande rouge, donc celle du bœuf mais aussi le veau, l'agneau, le porc, le canard, l'oie, le lapin, le cheval et les abats. (2) Le fer oxyde les cellules, l'ADN, les lipides et les protéines intracellulaires, ce qui à la longue semble favoriser l'émergence de cancers. (3)

Selon une étude réalisée sur 88 751 femmes, manger de la viande de bœuf, de porc ou d'agneau en moyenne une fois par jour multiplie par 2,49 le risque de cancer du côlon, par rapport aux femmes consommant ces viandes moins d'une fois par mois. (4)

Autres maladies intestinales provoquées par l'excès de viande

La maladie de Crohn est favorisée par la consommation de viande. La viande n'est en effet pas totalement absorbée dans l'intestin grêle (première partie des intestins, après l'estomac), elle passe dans le côlon où elle va fermenter sous l'effet des bactéries de la flore intestinale. Cette fermentation produit des dérivés toxiques qui attaquent la muqueuse de l'intestin. Cela peut provoquer des saignements, diarrhées et douleurs abdominales pénibles caractéristiques de la maladie de Crohn. (5)

Le côlon, qui est donc la deuxième partie de l'intestin, où la nourriture achève d'être dégradée par la flore intestinale, peut aussi, sous l'effet de la viande, développer de petites poches où les matières fécales se bloquent. Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, ce n'est pas très propre et cela provoque des infections, voire une perforation dans l'abdomen (péritonite). Cette maladie, appelée diverticulose colique, est typique de l'alimentation occidentale riche en viande, et bien moins répandue chez les végétariens. (6)

La viande augmente le risque d'endométriose chez les femmes (présence de tissu endométrial à l'extérieur de l'utérus). Une étude datant de 2004 a prouvé que les femmes qui consomment le plus de viandes rouges avaient deux fois plus de risques d’avoir une endométriose. (7)

Une consommation quotidienne de 100 g par jour augmente d’environ 20% les risques de déclencher un diabète de type 2. (8)

D'autres maladies telles que les maladies cardiovasculaires, les cancers de l'estomac, de la vessie et la maladie d'Alzheimer seraient favorisées par la viande. (9)

De quoi est faite la viande que vous mangez ??

Il faut toutefois se garder de diaboliser un aliment qui fait partie depuis les plus lointaines origines, de l'alimentation de l'homme.

Le problème de la viande pourrait en fait largement être causé par la qualité déplorable de la viande que nous consommons aujourd'hui.

Pour augmenter la productivité des élevages, les animaux sont aujourd'hui nourris au maïs, aux grains, aux farines animales, souvent encore enrichis d'additifs. Les animaux, on le sait, vivent dans une surpopulation souvent impensable, et sont abattus dans des conditions si horribles que l'ancien Beatles Paul McCartney a pu déclarer : « Si les abattoirs avaient des murs en verre, tout le monde serait végétarien ».

Nous sommes très loin du brave troupeau broutant l'herbe verte et les pâquerettes de pâturages verdoyants, qui sont les conditions de vie naturelles des bovins, et cela pourrait largement expliquer les effets délétères de la consommation de viande sur notre santé.

Pour l'ensemble de ces raisons, et d'autres encore qui tiennent à la protection de l'environnement, Jérémy Anso du site de nutrition « Dur à Avaler » recommande fortement de ne pas dépasser 300 grammes de viande par semaine, ce qui équivaut à deux steaks hachés ou une grosse portion au restaurant. (10)

Cette recommandation me paraît très raisonnable en effet.

A votre santé !

Jean-Marc Dupuis

New science confirms raw milk is remarkably safe

by Ethan A. Huff, staff writer 

(NaturalNews) All of those antiquated government talking points about the alleged dangers of drinking raw milk have once again been debunked, this time by a series of scientific risk assessments recently published in the Journal of Food Protection. A press release published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) explains that, based on the results of three new quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs), as well as the review of dozens of other scholarly papers on the subject, raw milk is very clearly a low-risk food that is generally safe for everyone, including pregnant women and young children.

Presented at a recent meeting of the Centre for Disease Control in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, the groundbreaking results of these QMRAs were offered up as some of the latest scientific evidence proving the safety of fresh milk during a presentation entitled Unpasteurized milk: myths and evidence. The main reviewer, Nadine Ijaz, M.S.c, divulged during this presentation how raw milk has been unfairly and wrongly categorized as a high-risk food since the 1930s when filthy, urban distillery dairies were churning out toxic "swill" milk that had to be pasteurized because it was causing people to become ill.

Distillery dairies were eventually decommissioned and replaced by real farm dairies, which eliminated virtually all the risks associated with raw milk, but the "science" behind milk pasteurization became crystallized into the American psyche thanks to tremendous pressures by many state departments of agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA, as many NaturalNewsreaders are well aware, still clings to the outmoded theory that all milk has to be pasteurized in order to be considered safe.

Leafy green vegetables more dangerous than raw milk, data shows

But when it is produced safely in accordance with accepted sanitary standards, raw milk is not at all the villain that the government continually claims it is. In fact, raw milk is among the safest foods a person can eat, ranking higher than other common foods like processed lunch meat, factory-produced chicken eggs, and even conventional vegetables. It may come as a shock, but the latest research shows that leafy green vegetables actually carry with them a higher food safety risk than raw milk.

"While it is clear that there remains some appreciable risk of food-borne illness from raw milk consumption, public health bodies should now update their policies and informational materials to reflect the most high-quality evidence, which characterizes this risk as low," said Ijaz during the presentation. "Raw milk producers should continue to use rigorous managements practices to minimize any possible remaining risk."

Naturally-occurring probiotic bacteria in raw milk protects it from deadly pathogens

Included within the peer-reviewed data sets that were used for the analyses was evidence showing that the pathogenic risk of raw milk is also particularly low. Contrary to popular belief, pathogens like Campylobacter, Shiga-toxin inducing E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus are not very common in raw milk, and this is due to the fact that raw milk contains its own beneficial, probiotic pathogens that generally prevent them from forming.

"The scientific papers cited at the BC Centre for Disease Control presentation demonstrated a low risk of illness from unpasteurized milk consumption for each of the pathogens," explains a press release about the finding. "This low risk profile applied to healthy adults as well as members of immunologically-susceptible groups: Pregnant women, children and the elderly."

To learn more about the health benefits of raw milk, and where to find some in your area, visit:

Also, be sure to check out the comprehensive blog The Complete Patient, which contains all sorts of pertinent information about raw milk, health freedom, and the political structures that interfere with humanity's access to clean food:

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