Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sucker Punch: Paul Chek

Many have adopted the expression "turn disaster into opportunity" during the latest economic recession.
After my recent interview with educator, author, speaker, and exercise expert Paul Chek, I had the opportunity to find out exactly what that expression meant.
My one-hour conversation with Paul Chek was just coming to a close when I suddenly realized that my voice recorder wasn't, well, recording voices.
Fortunately, I'd taken notes; 20 feverish pages of them, in fact. But Paul Chek, one of the most controversial, outspoken figures in the industry today, isn't exactly known for speaking in short, MTV-friendly sound bites.
Paul Chek is a man on a mission and when he speaks, his words reflect that. He is unapologetic in his belief that many "modern" approaches to health care are either misguided, flat-out wrong, or agenda-driven practices designed solely to pump up the bank accounts of the big pharmaceutical machine.
Because of his hard line approach, Paul has alienated a lot of his peers who would normally be praising him as a visionary who's revolutionized the field of corrective exercise. Instead, they question his practices, his criticism of the scientific method, and his holistic approach to health and wellness. Some say he's simply an excellent therapist that's gone too far, others say he's flat-out crazy.
The criticisms only make Paul talk louder.
As a result of my technical mishap, I had to think a lot about what Paul had said. I had to look at my short hand scribblings and ask myself if that was what he really said, or if I'd somehow misinterpreted the message? I had to cross-reference what I thought I heard with other work he's published, and finally trade emails with Paul just to make sure I wasn't subconsciously hearing things that I wanted to hear, or inserting my "programming" when I should have been listening to his voice.
In the end, I'm glad I took the time to seek out the voice behind his message and I encourage you to try to do the same.
Remember, it's easy (and lazy) to dismiss the things that challenge your beliefs; it takes effort and maturity to let down your defenses and try to understand them. Cause you never know where an opportunity may be waiting for you.
So without further ado, meet Paul Chek.

 Paul, you've been the force behind many training concepts that are now considered staples, like Swiss ball work, heavy ab training ...
TM: I assume that must piss you off.
TM: You mentioned spirituality. Why do you consider spirituality to be such an integral part of strength training?
TM: That sounds like Maslow.
TM: Paul, a lot of lifters tune out when the subject turns to God and spirituality. You've been in the lifting game longer than many people, so you must understand that lifters are very skeptical of anything that isn't easily measurable or observable. How do you get lifters to buy in to these abstract concepts?
TM: I don't know. I would say a spiritual person is someone who tries to live their life in a way that acknowledges that they are a part of something bigger.
TM: Sure, I remember that from university. That's the Freudian idea of projecting your ideas onto others rather than considering what they're really thinking.
TM: So you can honestly connect the dots from spiritual development and real world physical development or healing?
TM: A popular criticism of you is that it appears you give far too little credit to the basics (clean diet, consistent, heavy weight training) and give far too much credit to the mysticism.
TM: Can you explain how you would approach working with a professional athlete?
TM: Absolutely. And steps three and four?
TM: Ok, I can imagine that a lot of readers might be rolling their eyes right now or scrolling down to see today's Powerful Image, but I think that if you framed this a bit differently it would sound quite similar to what other coaches have put forth. Specifically, setting goals, establishing priorities, emphasizing rest and nutrition, the importance of mental clarity and sound choices. But you say words like dreams...
TM: Sure do. Your method of analysis has been criticized as observing things in "the real world" and then seek research that supports your observations. Is this true? Is that not backwards science?
TM: So it's fair to say you're skeptical of a lot of the published research?
TM: So what do you do, Paul?
TM: So do you think all research in our industry is completely useless?
TM: Do you have any examples you could share?
TM: The number one symptom PMS symptom I see are guys making themselves scarce.
TM: Let's change gears. You've said that health has been lost in bodybuilding. What are the most important steps we can take to get health back in without compromising our bodybuilding or athletic aspirations?
TM: What are three things that the average lifter could do tomorrow in the gym or in the kitchen that could improve their training or their health?
TM: Whoa, I've heard eliminate gluten before, but eliminate nuts? They're on basically every nutritional authority's "good foods" list?
TM: Interesting. Now the signature question, the franchise question, if you will. Can you tell us something we don't know?
TM: mind is going. I can feel it. Thanks for doing this today, Paul.
 A large section of this interview was edited out because it had to do with religion and, frankly, we don't feel like seeing the article discussion generate an Internet version of a bar room (or church hall) brawl. However, out of courtesy to Paul, the removed section will be posted in the Politics and World Issues forum.
For those interested in learning more about Paul Chek's approach and of the many books, videos, audios, courses and products he has available, please visit:

Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul is a highly sought after speaker and educator.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul says this guy was misunderstood, too.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul consulting with Dr. Quiet.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekAlthough labeled as the Swiss ball guy, Paul is actually a big believer in basic weight training.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul has been known to punish professional athletes half his age who try to keep up with him in the gym.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekFunctional, gimmicky, who cares? 160 pounds is still a shit load of weight to hoist up one-handed
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekAll the answers are right there if you learn to access the no-mind.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul consulting with Dr. Badass.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul has been at the forefront of intelligent core training.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul demonstrates what the Shaolin monks used to do to seminar attendees who showed up late.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekWater: A 200-pound guy needs 100 ounces a day.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekNary a hair in sight.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekPaul is no stranger to heavy, basic training.
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekOne of Paul's books, "How to Eat, Move and Be Healthy."
Sucker Punch: Paul ChekWhere the hell am I going to pin this thing?
Sucker Punch: Paul Chek" mind is going. I can feel it."

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