Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Five Weight Loss Myths

We've got our health truths down pat. For physical wellness, eat good, wholesome food and get plenty of exercise. But what about the myths out there about diet and exercise? Watch and learn as we bust five of the top diet and exercise myths.

Myth #1: Carbs are the Enemy

Maybe we can blame Dr. Atkins and other proponents of the low-carb diet craze for this one. Experts suggest that carbohydrates play a star role in keep you energized and your organs functioning properly. The carb bad rap should rest squarely on the shoulders of "white carbs" like white bread, white rice, and sugar. These refined carbs, dietitians suggest, are more likely to pack on the pounds. Stick with whole grains like whole wheat pasta and brown rice for a healthier diet.

Myth #2: Never Eat After 8PM

The habit of under-eating all day only to overdo it at dinner time is likely where this myth came from. Eating excess calories at any hour of the day will lead to weight gain. Just remember: It's not when you eat, it's whatyou eat.

Myth #3: It's Not a Workout Unless You Sweat

A cardio workout that gets you huffing and puffing is vital for a healthy ticker, but that's only half the picture. Low-impact workouts, like weight-lifting and yoga, might not leave you drenched in sweat, but they're equally important to keeping your muscles strong and your body burning calories all day long. Work cardio and resistance training into your exercise regimen and you'll be seeing the full picture of health.

Myth #4: Weight-Lifting Bulks You Up

Most women don't have the necessary testosterone levels to transform them into the spitting image of Conan the Barbarian-era Arnold Schwarzenegger. But if you integrate weight-lifting into your workouts and find you're getting a little too cut, switch to lighter weights and more reps.

Myth #5: Muscle Weighs More than Fat

Here's the deal: a pound of muscle and a pound of fat weight exactly the same amount. A pound! The difference between muscle and fat is an issue of density and volume. Muscle is denser than fat and takes up less space in your body which can give you a leaner look overall.


Blast: Metabolic Interval Training

Beg, Borrow, and Steal to Get Ripped Fast

Metabolic interval training, or "Blast" as I call my version of it, is an exercise protocol that utilizes the latest science of endocrinology and performance training to totally tax the body's major energy systems. The main focus of Blast is to maximize the use of stored adipose tissue (fat) as a fuel source, both during and after exercise.
Blast is a "beg, borrow, and steal" type of training, taking ideas from every aspect of exercise to make a superior training session that incinerates fat at an incredible rate. In a given session, you could experience a combination of standard resistance training, calisthenics, body-weight training, gymnastics, reactive training — that's plyos for you old-schoolers — Olympic movements, kettlebell training, and strongman events in one integrated interval training session.
These sessions are fast paced, involving intervals of hard work and short rest periods to produce maximum fat loss in the shortest period of time. And don't just think gymrats are the only ones who thinks this works — it's backed up by science.
In a 2008 study presented in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, metabolic interval-type training had a ten-fold greater fat loss when compared to either aerobic exercise or weight training individually. Numerous other studies found in The Journal of Medicine and Science in SportThe European Journal of PhysiologyThe Journal of Sports Nutrition, and The European Journal of Applied Physiologyover the last eight years have supported this.
Some research showed that metabolic interval training actually had as much as a 50 percent increase in the use of fat as a fuel source during exercise. One research study showed that this type of training produced EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) that lasted 16 to 48 hours.
As a personal trainer and performance coach, I have to produce results fast or I'll find myself without a job. As an athlete myself, I've trained about every way known to man in the last 30 years, but I'm always looking for more productive ways of doing things. After reading the research, I began working on how to incorporate this type of training into what we do at my gym.
Over the last twelve months I've been working on the Blast training protocols with all my clients: professional and college athletes, bodybuilders, strongmen, MMA fighters, police officers, firefighters, powerlifters, and MILF's (Moms in Love with Fitness — get your mind out of the gutter). Through the use of Polar heart rate monitors and the BodyBugg by APEX, we found that the average client burned 11kcal per minute during exercise and had an elevated metabolism post exercise.
I haven't seen the 16 to 48 hours of EPOCH that some of the science has reported, but my clients have maintained a metabolic "afterburn" of four hours on the average.
One thing that I didn't expect was that this type of training helps aid recovery. Like "feeder" sets, Blast does a great job of flushing out the metabolic garbage from muscles by pumping tons of blood through them. GPP (general physical preparedness) is most assuredly improved by doing metabolic interval training.
Enough science. Time to show you how to do it!
You can work this in as a stand-alone session or build it into your body part splits. I'll give you some loose guidelines of how we do it for a stand-alone session.

Work and Rest

We start with a split of 30 seconds of work to 20 seconds of rest. We'll work up to 45 seconds of work and as little rest as 15 seconds.
Week 1: 
Week 2: 
Week 3: 
Week 4: 

Exercise Selection and Load

The bigger the movement the better, but the load doesn't need to be super high. I personally prefer compound movements across as many joints as possible and a load that allows 15 or more reps to be completed in the interval.

Stations and Rounds

Twelve stations and three rounds is what seems to work best. Much more than that and my clients — regardless of their conditioning — seem to just shut down. Our typical session lasts about 45 minutes.

Breaks Between Rounds

We range between 90 and 120 seconds of rest between rounds. That's generally enough time to wipe your face off and get a sip of water.
 The rest between rounds can be adjusted depending on condition of those in a training session. Some of our high school teams have gone up to 60 seconds work and 15 seconds rest.


Training sessions per week should be limited to no more than four. Most of my clients lift weights two times per week and then add one to two Blast sessions.


How much effort should you put into each set and every round? I guess that depends on what you want to get out of the training? More effort = better results!

A "Regular Gym" Example

At my facility we have all kinds of specialized equipment. Your gym probably doesn't. Sorry about that. But here's a session example you can do with common equipment that'll leave you sucking gas and dripping sweat.

Bonus Round

Fifteen to twenty minutes of good old low- to moderate-intensity cardio. The calories burned during this time period are almost exclusively fat because of the hormonal cascade you set up during the metabolic interval training.

Same Session Blast

Like the idea but aren't super keen on doing an entire separate session? Then just toss it in at the end of your workout.
Start out with no more than three exercises and three rounds at the end of your main training session. I've done the same body parts that I just trained, and I've just worked feeder sets for what I hit the day or two before. Both ways produce great results.
Give this session a shot and let me know what you think!

About Chad Coy
Blast: Metabolic Interval Training
Chad Coy is a strength and conditioning coach, a drug-free powerlifting champion, and a noted strongman competitor. He's currently the owner of ClubFitness24 by Powerhouse Gym and Parisi Speed School, Kokomo, Indiana.

© 1998 — 2010 Testosterone, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Food That Can Fix Anything

Food That Can Fix Anything

When Hippocrates wrote, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food,” he was probably worrying about the pesky plague epidemic of 430 BC—not thinking about how a handful of almonds might ward off a girl’s pre-period headaches or how green tea might give her thicker, lusher hair. But those things may in fact be true, and scientists are beginning to figure out how food helps the body run smoothly inside and out. “People absolutely underestimate the importance of nutrition when it comes to appearance,” says Michael Roizen, M.D., chief of the Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Center and coauthor of YOU: Being Beautiful. The prescription is simple—and mercifully easy to swallow. Read on, dig in, repeat as necessary.

For: Little Age Lines, Try: GRAPES

What’s so special about antioxidants like the vitamin C found in grapes? They act as your skin’s bodyguards, repairing and even preventing premature dryness, fine lines and sagging caused by tiny molecules called free radicals, by-products of normal cell function that wreak havoc on your skin, says Dr. Roizen. One to one and a half cups of grapes deliver close to 20 percent of your daily C needs, and will also supply a chemical that helps preserve the protein elastin, which keeps your skin plump—not prune-y. (And, yes, red wine has it too.)

For: A Bad Mood, Try: HEALTHY CARBS

When you’re blue, you probably crave sweets, and there’s a biological reason why: Simple carbs prompt the brain to secrete serotonin, the calming hormone that can ease stress and depression, says Kelly O’Connor, R.D., of the Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. But after the initial spike in mood, sugary treats set up the body for a blood sugar crash that can make your bad mood worse. A better food group for a boost in spirits: complex carbs like chickpeas, lentils and whole-grain bread.

For: Acne, Try: FISH or WALNUTS

What you don’t want: anything made with white flour, especially refined, processed carbs like white bread and sugary cereals. (One study found that these foods triggered more breakouts than a diet rich in fish, fruit, whole grains and legumes.) What you do want, according to Nicholas Perricone, M.D., adjunct professor of medicine at Michigan State University’s College of Human Medicine: “Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help control inflammation throughout the body, including inflammatory acne,” he says. That means halibut, walnuts, flaxseeds—and especially salmon, which Dr. Perricone believes should be the one food on every woman’s clear-skin plan.

For: Splitting Nails, Try: PROTEIN-rich foods

We think of nails as one layer, the one that gets buffed and painted during a mani. But your nails are actually made up of layers of a protein called keratin—and eating protein may strengthen those layers. If your nails are weak, for a lot of women, the easiest fix is protein. Researchers from the University of North Carolina who studied the growth of big toenails (no, we’re not kidding) found that nail growth rates have increased by almost 25 percent since the 1930s, possibly because protein-rich foods are more available. But some women today still don’t get enough because of chronic dieting, says Susan Kraus, R.D., of Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey. Most of us require between 45 and 65 grams per day, so try to eat some protein, like lean beef, poultry, fish or nuts, at every meal. Don’t forget breakfast: Just two eggs provide 12.5 grams—roughly 20 percent of your daily requirement.

For: Bad Breath, Try: PLAIN YOGURT

Breath mints may be a quick fix, but they don’t combat the main cause of bad breath—a buildup of bacteria on your tongue, in between your teeth and in the back of your throat (often caused by food left behind from not brushing thoroughly enough). In fact, if your breath mint contains sugar, it’ll actually feed those microbes and can make odor worse in the long run, according to Kraus. But Japanese research has found that eating plain, sugar-free yogurt may help get rid of the stinky sulfur compounds.

For: Thin, Dry Hair, Try: GREEN TEA

The benefits of green tea keep piling up, and here’s another one: The caffeine in tea slows the production of a chemical that shrinks hair follicles and results in thinner strands, says Dr. Roizen. He recommends two to three cups of tea daily. (Coffee drinkers, your morning cup of java can have the same effect.) But if you’re plagued with dry, flaky scalp or hair loss, it may be a sign that you’re not getting enough zinc, says Lisa Drayer, R.D., author of The Beauty Diet. Meet your 8 milligram daily quota with a variety of zinc-rich foods like crabmeat, yogurt, baked beans, green peas and pumpkin seeds.


When women don’t get enough calcium, they may experience more severe cramps, mood swings and bloating, says New York City endocrinologist Susan Thys-Jacobs, M.D. Her research found that 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day (the amount in about two slices of Swiss cheese plus a glass of skim milk and a yogurt) can cut premenstrual symptoms by as much as 48 percent. If you tend to get headaches during your period, you may be low in magnesium. A quarter cup of almonds or cashews can help you meet up to 30 percent of your day’s needs for the mineral.



The antifatigue snack experts have recommended to Glamour more often than any other: an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter. Unlike a quick Oreo fix or other treat, the apple combo has fiber-rich carbohydrates with a little protein, which takes more time to digest than carbs alone, so you’ll stay energized longer, says Keri Gans, R.D., spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. It’s fail-proof—and delish. If all you have at your disposal is the office vending machine, choose a protein-rich bag of peanuts


Friday, March 26, 2010

Le sirop de maïs, pire que le sucre

Paru le 25 mars 2010

Par Lise Bergeron

Le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose, largement utilisé dans l’industrie alimentaire, est-il plus «engraissant» que le sucre ordinaire? Oui, répond une étude de l’Université de Princeton aux États-Unis.

Photo : iStockphoto
Au fil des ans, le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose (HFCS pourhigh-fructose corn syrup) a remplacé le sucre ordinaire dans une multitude de produits: boissons gazeuses, céréales, confitures, bonbons, punch aux fruits, etc. Si bien, qu’il occupe maintenant 40 % du marché des édulcorants aux États-Unis.

La raison: il constitue un sous-produit du maïs bon marché et facilement accessible, notamment chez nos voisins du Sud où le maïs est cultivé abondamment pour nourrir le bétail.

Plusieurs études se sont penchées sur le lien potentiel entre le HFCS et l’épidémie d’obésité qui frappe les Américains. Jusqu’à maintenant, les résultats sont contradictoires. Or, l’
étudede l’Université de Princeton, publiée dans le Pharmacology, Biochemestry and Behavior Journal,affirme que le HFCS favorise le gain de poids, l’accumulation de gras abdominal et l’augmentation du taux de triglycérides dans le sang.

Le premier volet de l’étude montre que les rats qui ont reçu de l’eau sucrée au HFCS pendant huit semaines ont engraissé davantage que ceux qui buvaient de l’eau édulcorée avec du sucre de canne.

Le second volet, qui a duré sept mois, portait sur des rats dont la nourriture était accompagnée, d’une part, de HFCS, et d’autre part, de sucre traditionnel.

Conclusion: transposés aux humains, ces résultats indiquent qu’une consommation excessive de sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose contribuerait à l’incidence d’obésité.
Des failles?
La recherche ne fait pas l’unanimité. Pour Marion Nestle, professeure de nutrition à l’Université de New York, elle comporte des failles importantes: «Les chercheurs disent que les deux groupes de rats ont consommé le même nombre de calories, mais ils ne le dévoilent pas. De plus, les écarts de poids sont si faibles [dans le second volet de l’étude], qu’ils ne sont pas significatifs», écrit-elle sur son blogue 
Food Politics.

D’autres observateurs soulignent que l’échantillon de rats était trop limité et que, étonnamment, ceux qui avaient libre accès au HFCS pendant 24 heures ont pris moins de poids que ceux qui y avaient accès pendant 12 heures. «Ces résultats sont inconsistants», note Marion Nestle, sceptique.

Même constat du côté de la Corn Refiners Association, qui qualifie l’étude d’«exagérée» arguant qu’on ne peut transposer aux humains les données obtenues sur des rats.

Au coeur du problème: y a-t-il ou non une différence entre les types de sucres? Plusieurs personnes estiment que comme le HFCS et le sucre sont constitués, à parts quasi égales, de fructose et de glucose, ils seraient métabolisés de la même manière dans l’organisme.

D’autres, au contraire, soutiennent que le taux de fructose plus élevé et la structure moléculaire du HFCS fait toute la différence, notamment en perturbant la production d’insuline par le pancréas et en modifiant le signal de satiété.

Quoi qu’il en soit, aux dernières nouvelles, plusieurs fabricants s’apprêteraient à bannir de leurs produits le sirop de maïs à haute teneur en fructose à cause de sa mauvaise presse auprès de la population.


Unhealthiest Foods At The Mall

By David Zinczenko, with Matt Goulding - Posted on Mon, Mar 22, 2010, 1:13 am PDT
 following my health and diet tips on Twitter. She loved them, she said, and she’d even dropped several pounds by adopting some of my secrets. But she wanted some advice about a fast-growing problem: her teenage daughter’s weight.
“We cook healthy at home, but like most teenagers, she eats a lot of her meals when she’s out with friends,” my colleague said. “Out at the mall.” 
Ouch! No three words are as clear a prelude to weight troubles as “at the mall” (except maybe “supersize it, please”). America’s malls are hothouse factories of weight-gain triggers: The smell of cinnamon buns wafting through the air, the unrelenting signage for food and drink, and the endemic stress of dealing with crowds and money. To top it off, when you’re at the mall, you’re already spending—so what’s another five bucks for a gooey treat?
But when it comes to nutritional justice, the purveyors at most food courts deserve to be disbarred. In addition to the standard fast food peddlers, malls often offer uniquely bad-for-you treats that you’d never think of eating unless they were right there in front of you while your belly is screaming “feed me!”
“The key to helping your daughter control her weight is arming her with the information she needs to make smart choices,” I said. “You need a few insider tips.” Then I laid some out for her:
Worst Mall Drink
Jamba Juice Peanut Butter Moo’d (22 oz)
770 calories
20 g fat (4.5 g saturated)
108 g sugars

The scary thing about this 22-ounce shake is that you can consume nearly half a day’s worth of calories in 3 minutes of spirited sipping, all under the pseudohealthy banner of the sacred smoothie. What’s even scarier is you’ll be slurping up the sugar equivalent of 6 packs of peanut M&M’s, all while thinking you’re doing your body a favor. While at Jamba, stick to their impressive list of smoothies in the All Fruit and Light categories.

Bonus tip: For thousands of tips and tricks like this one, download Eat This, Not That! to your iPhone. It’s like having your own personal nutritionist in your pocket wherever you go--with facts on more than 100,000 restaurant and supermarket foods.
Drink This Instead!
Jamba Juice Mango Mantra (16 oz)
150 calories
0.5 g fat (0 g saturated)
27 g sugars
SAVE 620 CALORIES AND 20 GRAMS OF FAT! Make this smart swap just a couple times a week and lose more than 15 pounds a year!

Worst Slice of Pizza
Sbarro Stuffed Pepperoni Pizza (1 slice)
890 calories
42 g fat
3,200 mg sodium

The architecture of this thing makes it less like a slice of pizza and more like a pizza-inspired Chipotle Burrito. It relies on an oversize shell of oily bread to hold together a gooey wad of cheese and pepperoni. The net result is a pizza pocket with two-thirds of your day’s fat and more than a day’s worth of sodium. And the traditional pizza slices aren’t much better; few fall below 600 calories. If you want to do well at Sbarro, think thin crust with nothing but produce on top.

Bonus tip: Another bit of menu magic: Order anything from the 20 Best Restaurant Foods in America, and leave the restaurant feeling satisfied with your healthy and delicious dish. You'll enjoy the healthiest versions of your favorite meals.

Eat This Instead!
Sbarro New York Style Fresh Tomato Pizza (1 slice)
450 calories
14 g fat
1,040 mg sodium
SAVE 440 CALORIES AND 28 GRAMS OF FAT! Make this smart swap just a couple times a week and lose more than 10 pounds of fat in a year.

Worst Chinese Meal
Panda Express Orange Chicken with Fried Rice
970 calories
38 g fat (7.5 g saturated)
1,540 mg sodium

It’s unfortunate that this dish happens to be one of the most popular on Panda’s menu. Consider the recipe: Battered and fried, then coated in a sugary syrup. It’s like Colonel Sanders meets Willy Wonka. Pair with a scoop of fried rice and you’ve got a dish with serious flab-enhancing potential. Here’s a better survival strategy: Skip the rice altogether and choose steamed veggies instead. Then pick any entrée besides orange chicken.

Bonus tip: You already know to watch out for calories from food. But we consume about a quarter of our day’s calories in liquid form. Read The 40 Best and Worst Beers to find out how that’s possible, and look for the upcoming Drink This, Not That! book, which shows you how to make the smartest choices in the entire beverage world.

Eat This Instead!
Panda Express Broccoli with Eggplant and Tofu
460 calories
30 g fat (4.5 g saturated)
1,400 mg sodium

Worst Sandwich
Panera Bread Full Chipotle Chicken on Artisan French
990 calories
56 g fat (15 g saturated, 1 g trans)
2,370 mg sodium

Panera, home to soups, salads, and a general feeling of well-being (not to mention free Wi-Fi!), benefits from a beaming health halo—a perceived virtuousness that doesn’t necessarily play out in the hard realities of their nutritional stats. Yes, you can carefully construct a well-balanced 500-calorie meal, but you can also unknowingly consume 1,500 calories without breaking a sweat. Take this sandwich: It begins innocently enough (chicken and white bread), but is supported by a scurrilous cast of bacon strips, high-fat chipotle sauce, and a tarp of cheddar cheese, the most fattening of cheese choices.

Bonus tip: Sandwiches can be excellent lunch choices, or utter diet destroyers. See the 30 Worst Sandwiches in America for more examples like this one.
Eat This Instead!
Panera Bread Full Smoked Turkey on Country Miche Bread
560 calories
17 g fat (2.5 g saturated)
1,960 mg sodium

The Worst Mall Food in America
Cinnabon Regular Caramel Pecanbun
1,100 calories
56 g fat (10 g saturated, 5 g trans)
47 g sugars
141 g carbohydrates

Cinnabon and malls are inseparable. Consider it a symbiotic relationship: Researchers have found that we're turned on by the smell of cinnamon rolls, and further studies have shown that we're more likely to spend money when we're thinking about sex. But just because Cinnabon might be good for Gap doesn’t mean it’s all good for you. This dangerously bloated bun contains nearly an ENTIRE day’s worth of fat, two and a half times the unhealthy trans fats you should get in a day, and more than half of your daily allotment of calories. (For those keeping score, that’s as much as you’ll find in 8 White Castle hamburgers).

Bonus tip: Save calories, time, and money with our FREE Eat This, Not That! newsletter. Sign up today and you’ll get the Eat This, Not That! guide to shopping once and eating for a week for free!
Eat This Instead
Cinnabon Stix
379 calories
21 g fat (6 g saturated, 4 g trans)
14 g sugars
41 g carbohydrates


7 fromages à consommer sans modération

Oubliez les desserts. Bourrés des meilleures protéines, cette sélection de fromages riches en calcium contribue à brûler les graisses.
1/ Camembert
Avantage : matière grasse modérée
Origine : issu de notre bonne vieille Basse-Normandie.
Bénéfice santé : il contient 30 % de matière grasse en moins que les fromages à pâte dure.
Le bon choix : le label AOC est la garantie d’une fabrication dans les usages traditionnels.
Où acheter ? Partout d’un bon rapport qualité prix, notre expert recommande Le Rustique.
Quel vin ? Brice Maillard (sommelier du London Restaurant) conseille un bourgogne blanc.
2/ Feta
Avantage : anti calorique
Origine : Grèce.
Bénéfice santé : le fromage de brebis est plus facile à digérer.
Le bon choix : la Feta de constitution dure, plus traditionnelle, est recommandée.
Où acheter ? On en trouvera différentes spécialités dans les épiceries grecques.
Quel vin ? Un vin blanc d’Autriche est particulièrement conseillé.
3/ Taleggio
Avantage : solidifie les os
Origine : Lombardie (Italie).
Bénéfice santé : un apport idéal en calcium et phosphore qui assure une bonne absorption des minéraux bénéfiques aux dents et aux os.
Le bon choix : n’importe lequel. Dans ce fromage, la qualité varie peu. On finit toujours satisfait !
Où acheter ? Dans une épicerie fine, italienne, vous êtes sûr de trouver votre bonheur.
Quel vin ? Un champagne rosé l’accompagnera à merveille.

4/ Cheddar
Avantage : éclat des dents
Origine : Cornouailles (Royaume Uni).
Bénéfice santé : réduit les risques de carie dentaire en neutralisant l’acidité buccale.
Le bon choix : le cheddar un peu vieilli, dur, ferme et corsé est de très bon goût.
Où acheter ? On trouve du cheddar dans n’importe quel supermarché.
Quel vin ? Avec un syrah australien.
5/ Fromage de chèvre
Avantage : purifie les intestins
Origine : un peu partout en France.
Bénéfice santé : grâce à la douceur de sa pâte et de sa croûte, il figure parmi les plus faciles à digérer. Ce fromage affiche un total calorique de 40 % moins élevé que les fromages fabriqués à partir de lait de vache.
Le bon choix : le fameux crottin de Chavignol.
Où acheter ? L’AOC est exigée !
Quel vin ? Un vin de la même région que le fromage : la perfection !
6/ Parmesan
Avantage : brûle la graisse
Origine : Parme, Italie du nord
Bénéfice santé : une portion de 40 g comble la moitié des besoins quotidiens en calcium, renforce et brûle les graisses.
Le bon choix : parmesan reggiano, bien sûr.
Où acheter ? Toujours chez un fromager affineur et jamais sous vide.
Quel vin ? Un Barolo (Italie), le meilleur associé au Parmesan.
7/ Stilton
Avantage : booste la musculature
Origine : cette spécialité britannique vient des régions de Leicester, Derby et Nottingham.
Bénéfice santé : très légère en sodium et riche en protéines.
Le bon choix : plus ce fromage sent fort, mieux il agit sur l’organisme.
Où acheter ? Dans les fromageries.
Quel vin ? Un vin très doux type Sauternes ou Monbazillac agira comme un enchantement.
