Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Make Every Meal Healthier

Use these simple strategies to boost the health benefits of your produce

While we've been dutifully eating our fruits and vegetables all these years, a strange thing has been happening to our produce. It's losing its nutrients. That's right: Today's conventionally grown produce isn't as healthful as it was 30 years ago—and it's only getting worse.

In 2004, Donald Davis, PhD, a former researcher with the Biochemical Institute at the University of Texas, Austin, led a team that analyzed 43 fruits and vegetables from 1950 to 1999 and reported reductions in vitamins, 
minerals, and protein. Using USDA data, he found that broccoli, for example, had 130 mg of calcium in 1950. Today, that number is only 48 mg.

What's going on? Davis believes it's due to the farming industry's desire to grow bigger vegetables faster. 
The very things that speed growth—selective breeding and synthetic fertilizers—decrease produce's ability to synthesize nutrients or absorb them from the soil.

A different story is playing out with organic produce. "By avoiding synthetic fertilizers, organic farmers put more stress on plants, and when plants experience stress, they protect themselves by producing phytochemicals," explains Alyson Mitchell, PhD, a professor of 
nutritionscience at the University of California, Davis. Her 10-year study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed that organic tomatoes can have as much as 30% more phytochemicals than conventional ones.

But even if organic is not in your budget, you can buck the trend. Here, 
9 expert tips to put the nutrient punch back in your produce.

1. Sleuth Out Strong Colors

"Look for bold or brightly hued produce," says SherryTanumihardjo, PhD, an associate professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A richly colored skin (think red leaf versus iceberg lettuce) indicates a higher count of healthy phytochemicals. Tanumihardjo recently published a study showing that darker orange carrots contain more beta-carotene.

2. Pair Your  Produce

"When eaten together, some produce contains compounds that can affect how we absorb their nutrients," explains Steve Schwartz, PhD, a professor of food science at Ohio State University. His 2004 study of tomato-based salsa and avocado found this food pairing significantly upped the body's absorption of the tomato's cancer-fighting lycopene. Check out Healthy Power Pairs for more examples.

3. Buy  Smaller  Items

Bigger isn't better, so skip the huge tomatoes and giantpeppers. "Plants have a finite amount of nutrients they can pass on to their fruit, so if the produce is smaller, then its level of nutrients will be more concentrated," Davis says.

4. Cook Smarter

Certain vegetables release more nutrients when cooked. Broccoli and carrots, for example, are more nutritious when steamed than when raw or boiled—the gentle heat softens cell walls, making nutrients more accessible. Tomatoes release more lycopene when lightly sauteed or roasted, says Johnny Bowden, PhD, nutritionist and author of The Healthiest Meals on Earth.

5. Eat Within a Week

"The nutrients in most fruits and vegetables start to diminish as soon as they're picked, so for optimal nutrition, eat all produce within 1 week of buying," says Preston Andrews, PhD, a plant researcher and associate professor of horticulture at Washington State University. "If you can, plan your meals in advance and buy only fresh ingredients you can use that week."

6. Skip Time-Savers

Precut produce and bagged salads are time-savers. But peeling and chopping carrots, for example, can sap nutrients. Plus, tossing peels deprives you of good-for-you compounds. If possible, prep produce just before eating, says Bowden: "When sliced and peeled or shredded, then shipped to stores, their nutrients are significantly reduced."

7. Mix Them Up

If you're used to munching on red tomatoes, try orange or yellow, or serve purple cauliflower along with your usual white. "Many of us buy the same kinds of fruits and vegetables each week," Andrews says. "But there are hundreds of varieties besides your usual mainstays—and their nutrient levels can differ dramatically. In general, the more varied your diet is, the more vitamins and minerals you'll get."

8. Opt for Old-Timers

Seek out heirloom varieties like Brandywine tomatoes, Early Jersey Wakefield cabbage, Golden Bantam corn, or Jenny Lind melon. Plants that were bred prior to World War II are naturally hardier because they were established—and thrived—before the development of modern fertilizers and pesticides.

9. Find a Farmers' Market

Unlike prematurely picked supermarket produce, which typically travels hundreds of miles before landing onstore shelves, a farmers' market or pick-your-own venue offers local, freshly harvested, in-season fare that's had a chance to ripen naturally—a process that amplifies its amount of phytonutrients, says Andrews: "As a crop gets closer to full ripeness, it converts its phytonutrients to the most readily absorbable forms, so you'll get a higher concentration of healthful compounds."
Learn how to be a budget organic! Find out what’s worth the cost, what’s not, plus other ways to save.


How nutritious is Vitaminwater?

By Jennifer LaRue Huget
Thursday, July 1, 2010; 

Vitaminwater was on sale at my local grocery store this week, 10 20-ounce bottles for $10, which made me wonder whether anybody really needs that much of the stuff.
The major player in the "vitamin-enhanced water" market, Glaceau Vitaminwater sold 142 million cases in the United States in 2009, according to John Sicher, editor and publisher of Beverage Digest, which tracks beverage sales by the case, not the dollar.
Introduced in 1996, Vitaminwater, owned by Coca-Cola, has built a strong identity in the bottled beverage world. Part of its allure is its hip-looking packaging and its engaging product names, such as Revive, Focus and Connect.
Vitaminwater tastes okay, if you like fruity flavor without the fruit. There is almost no actual fruit, even in the "Fruit Punch" variety, and what little there is mostly provides color.
But it's the added vitamins and electrolytes that define Vitaminwater (and its competitors, including SoBe Life Water and Propel).
Do the drinks deliver?
Nancy Rodriguez, a professor of nutrition and a sports nutritionist at the University of Connecticut, says that drinking bottled water can help you track how much water you drink. Your body needs one milliliter -- that's a thousandth of a liter -- of water for every calorie you consume, Rodriguez explains, so a daily diet of 1,800 to 2,000 calories requires about 1.8 to two liters of H2O. That's close to the commonly recommended six to eight eight-ounce glasses.
But tap water works just fine, Rodriguez says. Unless, of course, you live in the District, where lead may linger in some residents' water. (People who are concerned about this can have their water tested by D.C. Water.)
As for electrolytes, only people "dedicated" to exercising need to replenish them, she says, and then it's necessary only if they work out vigorously for more than an hour.
"Vitaminwater," she concludes, "is a marketing ploy."
Tap water has the added benefits of being all but free, and free of calories. Critics have bashed Vitaminwater for being a calorie trap. While a single eight-ounce serving has just 50 calories, a bottle contains 2.5 servings, so you could easily drink 125 calories -- just 15 ounces shy of the calories in a can of Coca-Cola -- at once.
But, as with many other brands, Sicher says low- and no-calorie versions are gaining popularity. While sales of regular Vitaminwater dropped 28 percent last year, he says, sales of the zero-calorie, unflavored Smartwater variety jumped 33 percent. A 10-calorie version of flavored Vitaminwater introduced last year sold "very well," Sicher says. It has been replaced this year by a zero-calorie version, which "also appears to be off to a good start."
Dietitian Lona Sandon, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, says enhanced waters are basically "liquid vitamins, with a little added sugar or stevia." Vitaminwater focuses on B vitamins and Vitamin C, which, Sandon notes, are water-soluble and not stored in the body, which means you need to replenish them every day. But, Sandon says, "Once you go beyond what you need, you urinate it out. You're peeing that money away."
A multivitamin is a better option when trying to supplement your diet, she says, because Vitaminwater doesn't provide a full complement of nutrients as does One-a-Day or Centrum.
Better yet, Sandon suggests, food should be the source for vitamins and minerals.
"The truth is that the research on supplementing with vitamins does not prove or show that people who take them are healthier than anyone else," she explains. Indeed, the proposed Dietary Guidelines for Americans for 2010 explicitly say most people don't need vitamin supplements.
"I would hate for someone to choose to use Vitaminwater in lieu of eating fruits and vegetables," Sandon says. While enhanced water isn't likely to do harm, it also cannot provide the complex, quality nutrition that produce does.
"Whole fruit, whole vegetables contain phytonutrients and fiber that work together" in ways that scientists don't yet fully understand, she says. "You don't find the same benefit in a bottle."


Remplacer le riz blanc par le riz brun aiderait à prévenir le diabète de type 2

24 juin 2010 - Manger 5 portions ou plus de riz blanc par semaine augmenterait le risque d’être atteint de diabète de type 2. À l’inverse, inclure 2 portions ou plus de riz brun dans sa diète hebdomadaire le réduirait. C’est ce que révèle une équipe de chercheurs de l’École de santé publique de l’Université Harvard.
Les chercheurs ont suivi le régime alimentaire de 157 463 femmes et de 39 765 hommes durant une période de 12 ans à 16 ans. Les participants ont également répondu à des questions sur leur mode de vie et leur état de santé.
Les gros consommateurs de riz blanc (5 portions ou plus par semaine) ont été 17 % plus nombreux à être atteints de diabète de type 2 pendant la durée de l’étude que ceux qui mangeaient du riz blanc moins de 1 fois par mois. En contrepartie, les gros consommateurs de riz brun (2 portions ou plus par semaine) ont vu leurs risques diminuer de 11 % lorsqu’on les comparait aux individus qui mangeaient peu ou pas de riz brun.
Selon les résultats de l’étude, il suffirait de remplacer 50 g de riz blanc par jour (le tiers d’une portion) par une quantité équivalente de riz brun pour réduire de 16 % ses risques de souffrir de diabète de type 2. Opter pour le blé ou l’orge serait encore plus avantageux, permettant de diminuer les risques de 36 %.
Le processus de raffinage qui transforme le riz brun en riz blanc détruit la majeure partie des fibres du grain. Voilà tout le problème. Selon certaines études, les fibres accroîtraient la sensibilité à l’insuline et donc diminueraient le risque de diabète de type 2. La transformation du grain appauvrit également le riz en vitamines et minéraux essentiels, dont le magnésium. Or, certaines recherches ont montré que la prise de magnésium aiderait à prévenir la maladie.

Dominique Forget – PasseportSanté.net

1. Sun Q, Spiegelman D, White rice, brown rice, and risk of type 2 diabetes in US men and womenArch Intern Med. 2010 Jun 14;170(11):961-9.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Le miel certifié québécois est arrivé

Paru le 23 juin 2010

Par Bruno Geoffroy

Du miel produit ici, c’est ce que le consommateur veut dans sa cuillère. Qu’il se rassure, deux certifications comblent maintenant ses attentes.
«La mention Canada n°1 affichée sur beaucoup de pots de miel trompe les gens. Ils ont tendance à croire que le produit a été produit au Canada, voire dans leur coin de pays. Malheureusement, cette indication précise seulement qu’il répond aux normes de qualité et de salubrité de l’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments», dit Jean-François Doyon, président de la Fédération des apiculteurs du Québec.

Selon la filière apicole, la production de miel ne comble que de 20 à 25 % de la demande québécoise. Certains distributeurs n’hésitent pas à mélanger – la pratique est légale – des miels moins coûteux importés d’Argentine, d’Australie ou de l’Ouest canadien. Dans ces cas, la provenance réelle du produit est parfois indiquée en très petits caractères sur l’étiquette.

«Les membres de la Fédération ont donc demandé à ce qu’on différencie notre miel. C’est de cette volonté qu’est née la certification “Miel 100 % Québec”, une garantie pour le consommateur de l’origine et de la qualité du miel. Pour asseoir la crédibilité du logo, nous avons établi le cahier des charges avec le Bureau de normalisation du Québec. Sept producteurs sont déjà certifiés, d’autres sont en cours d’agrément», précise M. Doyon, lui-même producteur du Miel d’Émilie.

Dans tous les cas, ils conservent leur marque de commerce. Le logo «Miel 100 % Québec» s’ajoute simplement sur leurs pots. «Le logo sera mis en valeur à l’automne, notamment chez IGA. Un livret de recettes accompagnera aussi la promotion du produit. C’est une nécessité d’éduquer le consommateur», dit M. Doyon.

«Les producteurs de vrac peuvent aussi demander la certification. En cas de pénurie, un producteur pourra s’approvisionner chez un fournisseur certifié pour combler sa production. Il aura donc le droit d’afficher le logo “Miel 100 % Québec” sur ses contenants», indique Christian Macle, président d’Intermiel, une entreprise qui sera prochainement certifiée.

Deux certifications au rayon du miel

Pour promouvoir le miel québécois, encore faut-il qu’il soit visible dans les épiceries. C’est ce que vise aussi une dizaine de producteurs de vrac, membres des Ruchers du Québec, avec leur marque certifiée «PurQuébec». Dans ce cas, les pots seront tous étiquetés de la même manière, car les apiculteurs mettent leur miel en commun.

«La marque repose sur un cahier des charges qui garantit la qualité, la traçabilité et la provenance du miel.

À la différence de l’autre certification, nous interdisons l’utilisation de pesticides de synthèse», dit Jean-Pierre Chapleau, porte-parole du regroupement. Pour le moment, aucune entente n’a été conclue avec une grande chaîne de distribution.

«La certification nous donnera la plus-value nécessaire pour faire face aux lourdes pertes de notre cheptel. En moyenne, nous perdons 25 % de nos abeilles par an. Mais, avec deux types de certifications sur le marché, je crains que le consommateur s’y perde et que l’industrie apicole en sorte perdante», nuance toutefois M. Macle.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Foods to Burn Fat

by CHAD WATERBURY on JUNE 21, 2010
It’s been said a million times by fitness experts and regular folks. I’m sure you’re tired of hearing it, but I’ll bet you feel the same way as I do: I hate to diet.
Being a “foodie” by nature makes my distaste for dieting even stronger. I love food, and I won’t deprive myself in any way. When I need to lose fat I simply add foods into my diet while I drop others out. So instead of having a sweet potato with a piece of lean beef I’ll eat broccoli with the beef instead. That way, I’m not eating less food (in terms of bulk) but I’m getting fewer calories and more nutrients.
And that, my friends, is the KEY to fat loss: feed your body fewer calories but more nutrients. You see, nutrients are all those magical little chemicals that are found in vegetables, fruits, and lean protein. Nutrients feed your metabolism while promoting health. The amount of nutrients in a half cup of fresh blueberries far exceeds what’s contained in a baked potato, and it has only a fraction of the calories.
When people go on a diet they end up starving their metabolism which, in turn, causes their body to hold on to every spare ounce of fat. This is a hard-wired protective mechanism that kept us alive back when food was scarce. Now that food is widely available, this metabolic shift is nothing more than a hinderance that keeps you from seeing your abs. Simply substituting a white carb (bread, pasta, potato) with a half cup of berries will help promote fat loss.
High fiber foods are even better. Fiber really is nature’s fat burner since foods that have plenty of it satisfy your cravings and stabilize your blood sugar. In essence, you’ll eat less and feel satisfied for longer periods just by adding the following foods into your diet. Replace any white carbs with the following and you will lose fat:
Black beans (15 grams per cup)
Quinoa (10 grams per cup)
Raspberries (8 grams per cup)
For example, have quinoa for breakfast instead of toast. At lunch, eat black beans instead of a white potato. For dinner, eat a cup of fresh raspberries for dessert and skip the pasta. These simple steps boost fiber, reduce total calories, and feed your metabolism the nutrients it needs to stay running strong.
Another trick is to add spices to your food. This boosts the flavor of your meal and since spices are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet you’ll invariably boost your health along the way. Cinnamon and cumin, for example, are two of the best spices since they can help promote weight loss.
Breakfast is an especially important time to flood your body with nutrients so your metabolism will kickstart after going for hours without food. Here’s one of my favorite shakes to get lean.
Mix in a blender in 16 ounces of water:
1.5 scoops of protein powder (Sun Warrior protein is great)
1 cup fresh spinach
1 cup frozen mixed berries
2 teaspoons cacao nibs
1 tablespoon goji berries
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
This shake is low in calories but it contains more nutrients than most people get in a day. And don’t worry about the spinach, you won’t even know it’s in there.
In my soon-to-be-released program, Body of F.I.R.E., that burns fat and builds athleticism, I discuss in great detail which foods you should eat at what times. That way, you won’t starve yourself or feel deprived, but you will shift your body into fat-burning mode.
Coming soon!


Le corps humain

Le corps humain

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Unconventional Workout - Abs by Nick Tumminello

I'm frequently asked why I'm constantly developing new exercise techniques and don't just stick to the basics. Often, I answer by repeating this classic quote from my good friend and fellow strength coach Martin Rooney. "If you want what other people don't have, you have to do what other people don't do."
Insightful SOB, isn't he?
The basics are great and should always be the foundation of your program, but there's no reason you can't combine the old with the new. My athletes always seem to get better results than what can normally be achieved with traditional methods, simply because I make a point of using some nontraditional training methods along with the basics.
In this installment of the Unconventional Workout series, I'm going to provide you with a step-by-step instruction guide to the latest and greatest abdominal training protocols that I use with my athletes at Performance U in Baltimore, MD.
Each of the exercises and training ideas featured in this article may be new to you, but they are part of my everyday training arsenal and have been battle-tested effective at keeping my athletes strong, stable, and free from back pain. Use them and I'm sure these techniques will do the same for you.
Regardless of whether you're a bodybuilder trying to achieve an impressive six pack, an athlete looking to outperform the competition, or an exercise enthusiasts looking for some new ways to spice up your training and stay back injury free, these abdominal workouts will be just what the doctor ordered to get you the results you're after!

Good Abs vs. Good Looking Abs
Just because you have good looking abs doesn't mean you have good functioning abs, and accordingly, just because you don't have good-looking abs, doesn't mean that you don't have good functioning abs. All the exercises featured here will help you build a stronger, better functioning set of abs.
As for showing off that six-pack? I'm sure you know by now that lean, ripped abs are built in the kitchen, not the weight room. Step away from your secret junk-food cupboard if you want a midsection that gets noticed.

To Train Abs or Not to Train Abs?
I've heard many coaches and weight lifting enthusiasts say, "Just do the big lifts (squat, deadlifts, etc.) and you don't need to do any specific abdominal work." Although I agree that there's a tremendous amount of abdominal activity when performing these lifts, I disagree that's all you need to do to maximize your abdominal performance or functional ability.
Put simply, the big lifts like squats and deadlifts are single-dimensional, sagital plane-dominant exercises. Your abdominals, like every other muscle in the body, function in all three planes of motion: sagital (linear), frontal (lateral), and transverse (rotary). Just doing the big lifts completely neglects strengthening the other two critical planes of motion.
To effectively strengthen the abdominals in all three planes of motion, some direct strengthening exercises performed at various angles such as the ones displayed in this article are required.

To Flex or Not to Flex the Spine?
Whether or not to use spinal flexion exercises is a common argument these days and one that I've been right in the center of. In truth, I've never used crunches or traditional sit-ups in any of my programs; I've always believed that a good training program uses exercises that reverse the sitting/slouching position. Exercise like crunches and sit-ups encourage it, which is why I don't use them.
That said, the real issue is not with spinal flexion; it's with high repetition spinal flexion or prolonged spinal flexion. Respected lower back guru Dr. Stuart McGill and many others have shown that spinal flexion and prolonged flexion to be common causes of disc-related injury.
If you have a healthy back and are under 40 years of age, then lower rep spinal flexion exercises can be performed safely and effectively. That said, after reading some of the new research like this study published in a recent Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, I've found myself using less flexion-based exercises, regardless of the age of the athlete or the rep range used.
This particular study used 1467 subjects to evaluate the effect that core stabilization training would have on the traditional sit-up test used by the Armed Forces. Of the 1476-subjects, 761 were placed into a core stabilization program, and 706 were placed into a sit-up program traditionally used to prepare soldiers for their physical fitness test.
The traditional exercise program group performed sit-ups, sit-ups with trunk rotations, and abdominal crunches. Those in the core stabilization exercise program performed a variety of stabilization exercises such as side-bridges, glute bridges, bird-dogs, woodchoppers, and abdominal crunch draw-ins.

Results, Please...
In the end, both groups significantly improved their sit-up performance after 12-weeks, yet the sit up performance was not significantly different between the two groups; even though the core stabilization group never performed sit-ups in their training program! Of notable interest is that the core stabilization group demonstrated significant improvements in sit-up pass rate (5.6%) compared to the traditional sit-up training group's 3.9%. The researchers concluded:
"Incorporating a core stabilization exercise program into Army physical training does not increase the risk of suboptimal performance on the Army's fitness test and may offer a small benefit for improving sit up performance."
(Effects of Sit-up Training versus Core Stabilization Exercises on Sit-up Performance by JD CHILDS, et al. - 2009, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise:
November 2009 - Volume 41 - Issue 11 - pp 2072-2083.)
Considering the results of this study, along with my training philosophy of reversing the sitting position/slouchy posture, I've focused my abdominal training programs on mostly spinal stabilization movements and use almost zero spinal flexion exercises. I do, however, make an exception for my bodybuilder clients that I'll cover later in this article.

Unconventional Abdominal Workouts
Now that you have an understanding of my abdominal training philosophy, here's a list of unconventional abdominal training exercises, Performance U style!
The exercises are divided into three sections: linear exercises, lateral/rotary stability exercises, and dynamic rotary exercises. In the program design portion of this article, I'll discuss how to use all three types of abdominal exercises to ensure each abdominal workout is fully comprehensive.
Keep in mind this article is intended to provide you with new, unconventional exercises you've probably not yet seen before, so don't complain when you don't see your favorite high school gym class exercise included in the mix.

Linear Abdominal ExercisesMedicine Ball Rollout – I first displayed this exercise in my Big Lats article. Put simply, it's the hardest abdominal rollout exercise variation I know of!
Linear (vertical) Pallof Press – This is inspired by the original Pallof Press exercise developed by John Pallof. I love the idea of the Pallof Press and don't think it should be limited to just one plane of action, so I developed the Linear Pallof press. Think of this exercise as a kind of "standing ab rollout."
Swiss Ball Pike – The non-stability ball haters may already be familiar with this exercise. If you're not currently using this exercise, you should be, because it's a great one.
When performing the Swiss Ball Pike: Initiate the movement from your abs. Keep you back straight, legs straight, and drive your hips to directly above your shoulders.
By the way, I'm sick of folks talking trash about the Swiss ball. It's not the damn ball's fault that there are folks out there who don't know how to choose their exercises wisely. The Swiss ball is just a tool-so stop blaming the tool and start blaming the bigger tools who are using them inappropriately!
The Body Saw – This is one of my favorite abdominal plank progressions. I first learned the Body Saw exercise form the folks with TRX Suspension Training. Although I love using the TRX, I've developed my own version of the Body Saw exercise that doesn't involve using the TRX because not everybody has access to one.

Lateral/ Rotary Stability Abdominal Exercises
The following are stability-oriented exercises, which involve controlling unwanted rotational and/or lateral motion, followed by dynamic rotary exercises.
Side Plank on Medicine Ball – this exercise is just a much tougher progression to the traditional elbow side plank. The added instability of the ball causes the muscles of your shoulder and abdominals to work harder to keep you in position. Be sure to keep your spine straight and your wrist directly underneath your shoulder.
Single-Arm Front Plank on Swiss Ball – This exercise is one of the toughest and most effective "core" exercises you'll ever try! It's a favorite among my combat athletes.
Turkish Get-Ups – Okay, most of you likely know that this isn't what women in Istanbul wear for a night on the town. Regardless, I still don't see this fantastic exercise used as often as I think it should be.
I'm sorry if I offend any members of the Kettlebell cult when I say you don't need to be holding a Kettlebell to do Turkish get-ups. Holding a dumbbell is more comfortable and just as effective.
Angled Barbell Rainbows – Many lifters are familiar with the dynamic version of this exercise, but not as familiar with the static version. The static version is what I use most often because it builds the body awareness needed to control the spine when standing. To perform this exercise, you can use the Sorinex Land mine or place a barbell in the corner.
Lateral Pallof Press – Here's another one of my tweaks of the Pallof Press concept. This one can be performed in a half-kneeling or standing position.

Dynamic Rotary Abdominal Exercises
Rotational exercises are crucial to sports performance because they develop and refine your ability to transfer and express force from one side of your body to the other. These movements are at the heart of true intelligent functional training.
Tight Rotations – the tight rotation exercise is my favorite rotary training movement because it closely mimics the actions of the abdominals when sprinting, punching, throwing, or changing directions at high speed. Your abs have to control the constant torque happening between your shoulders and hips moving in opposite directions while you move.
The tight rotation series enhances your ability to produce, reduce, and control rotary (torque) forces.
I use a three level progression for the tight rotation series. I spend about 2-4 weeks on each level before progressing to the next.
Each of the Rotations has an accompanying video on the right, so I'll spare you a long, boring written description.
The Gladiator Twist – This is another one of those exercises that's both fun and effective. The Gladiator Twist is based on the same principles as the Tight Rotation series. If this exercise doesn't light up your abs, nothing will!
Medicine Ball Rotary Tosses – This is one of the best methods to train rotation apart from hitting and kicking a punching bag. If you have access to a med ball and a wall – along with the necessary space and understanding gym staff - give these three medicine ball rotary toss variations a shot. They'll most certainly make you a rotary power beast!

Using these Ab Workouts in Your Program
Regardless of the training goal, I try to perform at least one of each of the three types of abdominal training exercises described above in each workout. That means performing at least one linear exercise, one lateral/rotary stability exercise, and one dynamic rotary exercise.
With that in mind, there are generally two ways in which I use these abdominal training methods with my clients, depending on whether the specific training goal is health and/or sports performance related, or more bodybuilding centered.
For General Health and Sports Performance – I find it best to follow Dr. Stuart McGill's recommendations to train the abdominals more often while using lower loads for longer periods of time to increase muscular endurance of the abdominals.
Dr. McGill's research has shown this method to be highly beneficial at enhancing sports performance and developing the stability needed to resist back injury and postural change.
When putting this strategy into practice with my athletes and exercise enthusiasts, I have them perform abdominal/core training exercises in-between sets of upper-body or lower-body exercises.  This way, you make your workouts more productive by increasing the density. Here's an example:
Day A – Upper-Body Push/Pull
1A) Horizontal Push
1B) Horizontal Pull
1C) Linear abs
2A) Vertical Push
2B) Vertical Pull
2C) Lateral/Rotary Stability
3A) Biceps
3B) Triceps
3C) Dynamic Rotary
Day B – Lower-Body Legs/Hips
1A) 2 Leg Hip Dominant
1B)  Linear abs
2A) 1-Leg Knee Dominant
2B) Lateral/Rotary Stability
3A) Calves
3B) Dynamic Rotary
For bodybuilding/physique enhancement goals – When it comes to ab training for my pro and amateur bodybuilders and figure competitors, I take a much different approach than I do with fitness/sports performance clients.
When training physique competitors, I recommend training the abdominals less often using heavier loads for short periods of time. I usually have my bodybuilders perform multiple abdominal exercises at the end of certain workouts or as a stand-alone "abs day" workout, depending on the person's training split and personal preference.
I also admit that I go against my "no flexion" policy when working with physique athletes. Bodybuilders in particular need a significant amount of abdominal hypertrophy to look impressive on stage. I find using some trunk flexion exercises are needed to achieve this look, and therefore the risks of performing flexion exercises don't outweigh the benefits to the bodybuilder.
Along with the exercises already described in this article, with bodybuilders I use a number of exercises using the Swiss Ball and (gasp!) the Bosu Ball.
Before you label me as a soy-chai-latte-sipping granola-head, keep in mind that the Bosu Ball, like the Swiss Ball, is just another tool in my toolbox. I have no special affinity for these implements; it's simply a matter of selecting the right tool for the job. For these abdominal exercises, I find using the Swiss ball and Bosu creates a better, more effective workout due to the increased trunk range of motion.
These are all quite self-explanatory, so I'll skip the drawn-out descriptions and just ask that you check out the photos on the right.
I also use straight leg sit-ups and reverse crunches as described in my How Strong Are Your Abs Really? article.
A typical abdominal workout for a bodybuilder would look like this:
Swiss Ball Crunch 2-3 x 8-12
Medicine Ball Abs Roll Out 2-3 x 45-60 seconds
Swiss Ball Side Crunch 2-3 x 8-12
Angled Barbell Rainbow 2-3 x 45-60 seconds

The folks at TMUSCLE had asked me to give you one unconventional abs workout and instead I hit you with a monster list of exercises and user-friendly programs that anyone can immediately apply. Delivering the latest and greatest training concepts is my business and business is good!
This article was not just meant to show you new exercises; it was also meant to inspire you to get creative, so don't be afraid to modify an exercise to fit your needs and/or sporting demands. Remember, "If you want what others don't have, you must do what others don't do!"
Put these exercises into practice within your training sessions and tell us about your experience using them on the forum. Also, if you have any other unconventional abs exercise and workouts, share them with us on the comment forum.
Side Plank on Medicine Ball
Side Plank on Medicine Ball
Bosu Plate Crunch
Bosu Plate Crunch
Swiss Ball Side Plate Crunch
Swiss Ball Side Plate Crunch
Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch
Swiss Ball Reverse Crunch
About Nick Tumminello
Unconventional Workout — Triceps
Coach Nick Tumminello is a Baltimore Personal Trainer who trains a select group of athletes, bodybuilders, and exercise enthusiasts. Nick is also the Strength & Conditioning Coach for team Ground Control MMA. You can purchase Nick's Strength Training for Fat Loss & Conditioning DVD through his Blog website.
