Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Four things you need to know about cancer and Candida

Four things you need to know about cancer and Candida

by PF Louis 

(NaturalNews) Cancer and candida are apparently closely related. Some even claim Candida causes cancer, while others say they both originate and thrive in the same low pH, high acidic environment, possibly with a symbiotic relationship.

Candida yeast fungi are present to some extent in most or perhaps all of us. When the fungus overwhelms the gut's probiotic presence is when Candida begins to be an overall health threat.

When it comes to the relationship of candida to cancer, very few oncologists will consider that possibility. This; despite the fact that there are increasing reports of cancer tumors residing amongst Candida colonies from many orthodox medical sources.

The prerequisite conditions that precipitate Candida are: Using pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics; diets high in sugary foods and beverages, excess alcohol, cigarette smoking, and caffeine, SAD (standard American diet) with lots of processed flour and other processed foods, a long period of anxiety or worry.

The ideal probiotic bacteria to pathogenic bacteria is 85/15, maybe 80/20. When this goes out of balance, the yeast can overwhelm probiotic bacteria and infect other areas. The usual lifestyle suspects contribute to low pH, high acid inner terrain or organ environments which invite both cancer cells and yeast spores to flourish.

Here are four major areas to keep in mind about candida and cancer

(1) The overlapping and crossover symptoms of Candida overgrowth, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), Celiac disease, and other conditions connected to chronic fatigue are mind boggling. This simple test that may determine if you have Candida overgrowth.

Have a glass of water by your bedside. Upon awakening, spit into the water. Every 15 minutes for an hour, look for the following indicators: Stringy trails from the surface saliva dangling like jelly fish tentacles, tiny cloudy spots suspended in the water, the saliva blob drops intact onto the bottom of the glass.

The later any visual indicators show, the less infected you are. Indicators showing within the first few minutes may point to a worse condition. No indicators may mean you're free from Candida overgrowth.

(2) There are several natural remedies suggested for resolving Candida issues: Wild oregano oil, Pao D' Arco, garlic, whole clove teas, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar, and even cold pressed virgin coconut oil is highly recommended. (

Be prepared to slow down if you become overwhelmed by yeast parasites dying off. Drinking a lot of pure water and applying detox principles can help avoid this.

(3) Killing the live yeast colonies is not enough because the spores released will re-establish colonies as long as the probiotic level is low. Most probiotics will not kill yeast parasites.

But TotalFlora and ThreeLac probiotics are considered both potent enough to kill yeast fungus cells and provide friendly flora gut linings.

(4) Bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) has emerged as the cheapest and perhaps best remedy for yeast infections and related cancers. Rome oncologist and author of Cancer is a Fungus Dr. Tulio Simoncini has a high cure rate on cancer. He believes cancer is caused by Candida overgrowth, which he treats by injecting or dripping bicarbonate of soda solutions into tumor areas.

Dr. Mark Sircus, author of Sodium Bicarbonate - Rich Man's Poor Man's Cancer Treatment thinks the origin of cancer tumors is more complex. But he does see the connection to Candida overgrowth with cancer. He also treats cancers with IV baking soda drips or injections.

By simply drinking a teaspoonful of baking soda in a solution of pure water daily or a half-hour before meals, you can kill off yeast infections. For cancer anywhere along the digestive tract, drinking baking soda with molasses or maple syrup has worked wonders. (

The molasses or maple syrup is bait for glucose dependent cancer cells to take in the baking soda's high pH rush, which oxygenates cancer cells to death. It's suggested by these experts and to limit any bicarbonate of soda therapy to three weeks at a time.

Use the sources below for more detailed information.

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