Tout dans la vie est une question d'équilibre d'où la nécessité de garder un esprit sain dans un corps sain.


Everything in life is a matter of balance therefore one needs to keep a healthy mind in a healthy body.


E. do REGO

Saturday, April 13, 2013

10 Nutrition Tips You Should Be Following

In a sea of misinformation, t’s easy to get confused…
In Part 1 of this article, I discussed 5 simple nutrition tips that are easy to follow, and help you wade through all of the confusing and conflicting nutrition information that’s out there.  These tips will not only help you achieve a lean physique, but they are also fantastic for optimal health and performance.  Today, I am bringing you 5 more.

Keep in mind, if you’re new to the nutrition game, you might not want to try incorporating all of these at once, as that can be super overwhelming.  Maybe just incorporate one tip at a time until it becomes a habit, and then incorporate another.

If you’re a veteran of sound nutrition, use these as a checklist to make sure you’re still on top of your game, at least 90% of the time.

6. Time your carbs appropriately.
From low carb to no carb, good carb to bad carb, low glycemic to high glycemic, it’s enough to anyone feel crazy!
While low carb diets can be very effective for fat loss, they can be difficult for many people to follow, and consistently following a low carb diet without incorporating higher carb meals or days can lead to health issues, namely sluggish thyroid function.
So how do you incorporate carbohydrates into your diet without inhibiting fat loss?
Simple.  Make your carbs work for you by timing them correctly.
Immediately post-weight training, our muscle cells are more insulin sensitive than normal, and our fat cells are less insulin sensitive.  This is the body’s way of ensuring that nutrition consumed post-workout gets shuttled where it’s needed most (to the muscle for repair).  So within an hour or so after a weight training workout is the best time to consume starchy carbohydrates (with an easily digested protein source of course), and if you weight train very intensely, you may actually want a small meal of protein and carbs before you weight train as well.
It’s also important to keep in mind that everyone is different and some people function much better on a moderate to higher carb diet, so experimentation is key.
- Try eating both lower and higher amounts of carbs and see how you feel.
- Try having carbs pre-workout and see how you feel.
- Try different sources of carbohydrates at different times and see how you feel.
- Make sure you give yourself a week or two to adjust to the dietary changes before coming to any major conclusions.
As for good carb sources, try: sweet potatoes, red potatoes, white potatoes, rice, butternut squash, berries, or gluten-free oats.
For more information about carb sources and how they affect your body, check out this article. 

Not all carb sources are created equal…

7. Include healthy fats with most meals.
For years, the health industry was convinced that we should be afraid to eat fat, because it will not only make us fat, but give us heart disease and high cholesterol.  Now we realize that that couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Eating good sources of healthy fats will not only keep you full and satisfied, but it will help stabilize your blood sugar, mood, and energy levels. Sound familiar? (see: tip #4).
Even though the health industry is coming around and starting to recognize the benefits of fat, there is still a lot of confusion about which fats are ‘good” and which are “bad.”
Here are a few of my favorite fat sources: olive oil, real butter, coconut oil, avocado, nuts/nut butter, whole eggs, walnuts, ghee, cashews, fatty fish, grass fed beef.
Here are the fat sources I try to avoid: fats from conventionally fried food, mass produced cakes/pastries, most vegetable oils (corn, soybean, cottonseed, canola, safflower), hydrogenated oils.

8. Taste the rainbow! 
And no, I don’t mean eat more Skittles (even though they can be a delicious treat on occasion).
By “taste the rainbow” I mean include more colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet.  Many of us stick with the same vegetables all the time (I am totally guilty of this!)

Choosing from a variety of fruits and veggies not only gives you a wide variety of nutrients, but it prevents dietary boredom!

There are several color categories for fruits and veggies and the wider a variety of foods you get from these different categories, the more likely you are to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need for optimal health.  Here are just a few examples of fruits and vegetables from each category:
White: onions, mushrooms, garlic, bananas
Yellow: butternut squash, peppers, yellow squash, pineapples
Orange: peaches, pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes
Red: beets, cherries, watermelon, tomatoes, radishes
Green: bok choy, kale, swiss chard, spinach, avocado, kiwi, lime
Blue/Purple: eggplant, purple cabbage, plums, blueberries

9. Eat According To The Season
In today’s over-abundant society, it’s hard to imagine a world without grocery stores on every corner, and whatever kind of food we want, right at our fingertips 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
As lucky as we are to have these options, our bodies aren’t designed to eat certain foods in abundance year-round.  That’s why certain fruits and vegetables grow seasonally, and that’s also why we crave different foods at different times of the year.  During the fall and winter we tend to crave hearty meats and root vegetables, and during the spring and summer we often crave lighter fare like fresh fish, fruits and vegetables.
Try to pick foods that are grown locally and are in-season.  Visiting your local Farmer’s Market is a great way to ensure that you’re making good choices.

10. Experiment with pulling out foods.
Food allergies and sensitivities can wreak havoc on your digestive system and negatively affect nutrient absorption and energy levels.  The worst part is that many people don’t know they are suffering from them.
The 8 most common food allergens are: milk, corn, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and shellfish.

Don’t let these common food allergens wreak havoc on you!

Try pulling some or all of these foods out of your diet for at least 3-4 weeks, adding them back in one at a time to gauge your reaction.  Give yourself a full 2-3 days to see if a reaction occurs.  Common reactions include: rashes, breakouts, stomach pains, constipation or diarrhea, brain fog, exhaustion, or just a general feeling of malaise.
Those 8 foods are a good place to start, but you can always try pulling out any food that you suspect you might not tolerate well.

There you have it!  10 nutrition tips you should be following to ensure you always feel, look, and perform your best!

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